Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Evoland 2 Fan Art Contest

Around the same time, I had just recently finished the Hyper Light Drifter fan art I was making and was feeling accomplished about my progress. And seeing as I've never joined an official fan art contest before, well…

Why not put what I've learned so far to the test, eh?

You can count on that, Shiro Games!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Subject - The Drifter

Back from god-knows-how long. So I recently became engrossed in art again after a really long hiatus filled with work and videogames. I became intrigued with studying male anatomy, and my subject was an unlikely one… The Drifter from, well, Hyper Light Drifter.

During my studies on Pinterest I also discovered the wonders of the smudge tool. And seeing how my piece turned out, I now have another digital technique added to my inventory. I think I should have gone and added highlights too, but maybe I will on a later project.

Still contemplating whether or not to remove those little diamonds on the background, but for now I'll leave them and come back to them later if I don't want them anymore.