Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Cake Day 2020

"We heard you were coming over, so Pudgy made this cake real quick. He was panicking and rushing to get it done before you got here."

"Why show it to me out here though?"

"I figured you would appreciate the fireflies."

"You're such a sweetheart," She laughed. "But I'd rather we eat this cake inside, with everyone. Shall we?"

"Of course. Today's all about you after all, yeah?"


Bit of a late birthday post, but it certainly got done quick once I started working on it.

Was super tempted to do a half-assed pencil sketch again just so I could make it in time for my birthday, but I decided to keep true to my resolution this year of more digital art. I loaded up Asperite and tried my hand at more pixel art. Fun project; took me only 3 hours or so to do.

Holy cripes, I'm already 26. Jesus. How time flies! Here's to another year of life and all it has to offer. 🍻

But maybe not Covid. I'll be more than willing to pass on that.