Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Scene at Ueno Park

This was a doodle I made on my recent trip to Japan (and inked only in the last few days), where I decided to take a breather during my afternoon stroll at Ueno Park. I ended up sitting in the middle of a wooded space in the northern area of the park and was just watching all these kids and families coming together by this small playground. What got my interest in particular were these kids playing on this top like object that shifted and tilted with their weight but never dislodged from the ground it was bolted to.

I tried to capture the scenery in ink, but I'm not really happy with how this turned out. Ink isn't really the proper medium for such an image, but it was worth a try.

Monday, August 21, 2017


My lack of content is so depressing. So here's a quick doodle of me (I actually like how I did my alt hairdo this time) and my girlfriend, Emotionalstone <3

I'm also not used to this kind of cartoony art style. I often end up reverting to my old one (attempts at proportions, anatomy, etc.) really quickly.