Sunday, January 22, 2023

Flight of the Stubby (Part 1)

Oh, it's been a good long while since we had a gator comic! It's about time we had a new arc anyway. 😉


🐊 Gator Buddies 🐊

Flight of the Stubby

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Viresco Lancaster (2023)

It's like I have at least one full body art piece featuring her every other year... Wait. 👀

I have often been insecure about drawing Vir mainly because of her outfit. I have no qualms drawing her stripped down to her lingerie, but I, admittedly, found myself unwilling to make art of her mainly because I could never feel at ease with what her clothes were supposed to look like.

The other day I decided that I was done with this crippling insecurity and decided to actually sit down and deal with the issue. In the past I found myself wanting to give her ninja garb, befitting her title as a kunoichi. However, I could never bring myself to be rid of the sleeveless, green, pointy-collared trenchcoat that I considered part of her signature appearance. I found references of rogue-looking characters in addition to various equipment pieces in Guild Wars 2, and used them as bases for this new look. Now I can finally say that this is her official outfit moving forward.

Damn. I really want to make a quick and simple banner showcasing how much my art style has changed with all my artwork of her. The difference between years ago to now is incredibly surreal. 😱

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Winged King

Congratulations. After five years of being too lazy to buy a Nintendo Switch, this Pokémon alone has easily convinced me to purchase one for myself for the sole purpose of playing Pokémon Scarlet.

Had a mind to make this a little more like this piece... But I decided near the end that it might be too over the top for what I was going for. A simple background also felt enough.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Welcoming 2023

Happy New Year, everyone! I have no art to feature for the occasion, but here's an image of the cochinillo my family and I feasted on instead.

Looking back, 2022 was such a good year for arting. I found myself learning new techniques, diving into landscapes, and even developing a new painting style! It's still crazy when I think about how far we've come, how much I've learned, and how many milestones were achieved throughout the year.

That said, in 2023, the only resolutions I'll be making is to make more art and get better at art. Oh, and possibly brush up more on my Japanese, I guess. But for the most part, I'm going to be arting more and sharing more of my worlds to everyone.

As always, thank you to all my supporters, and especially the people who have been around for the longest time. The journey continues as we venture into the new year, and I hope you will all continue to join me as we continue ever forward.

Cheers to more art in 2023! 🧃
