Sunday, January 30, 2022

PAC 2016 #12 - Gigalith (Revamped)

Hey, guys! To commemorate the 50 followers we accumulated on my Twitch channel, I revamped my Gigalith ink from the PokΓ©mon Art Challenge I participated in last December 2016 and featured it on my Twitch stream. The full version of this cleaner version will be available for download exclusively for my Supporters and VIPs on Patreon and Ko-fi, included with my other rewards for January! This will also feature a showcase of the process from start to finish as well.

Thank you to everyone who has been supporting me and helping my art career grow! Looking forward to a productive February! πŸŽ‡πŸŽ‰


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Long Ago in Gatorville (Part 13)

We are nearing the end of the arc guys 😩 Just 3 comics left! I will try to make it so that the arc is done before March (or at least, before the end of March πŸ˜…)!


🐊 Gator Buddies πŸŠ

Long Ago in Gatorville
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 
14 15 16 | 17

Become a Patron!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Zephyr (2022)

More art! Today, we have my OC Zephyr, with her dope-ass design in full color for once. πŸŽ¨ The draft was originally showcased on stream two Saturdays ago, and I managed to finish all the shading and tinting off-screen today.

I will be making a step-by-step showcase of the process in this artwork for my Supporters and VIPs on Ko-fi and Patreon. This will be released at the end of the month along with a showcase for my Ivara artwork, and possibly one more artwork that I will be making on stream for this month. If you are interested, please consider being a Supporter or VIP on one of either platform. πŸ˜„

Monday, January 17, 2022

The Aether - Concept 1

Work was a slow day today, so I humored myself by looking at speedpaint tutorials (basically what I was doing last year at the end of July but didn't really stick to it for long). When I got home, I decided to make something of what I learned and made this. I challenged myself to finish this in 30 minutes, but in the end this took me an hour and 15 instead. πŸ˜…

This can certainly be better, but I think I'm more pleased with this painting than the other one I made months ago. I'll try to make more landscapes like this in the future.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Virescent Ivara

First serious work of 2022, holy shit. 😳

I've played a lot of Warframe in the past year or so, invested over 900 hours as of this blog post. It's a very grindy shooter game, not for everyone, but I enjoy the grind personally. My main Warframes are Ivara and Zephyr, though I mostly run the former.

I decided to finally do my custom Ivara some justice and drew her. I've been working on this one ever since I started streaming on Twitch last week. While I am tempted to draw the rest of her body, I exercised some self-restraint and ultimately chose to draw only her bust due to how... Complicated the patterns of the Ivara Skathi's body are. I also didn't want to linger on this one piece for too long and wanted to make something new.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Twitch Channel is Up!

Ay, papi. To think this took a good 4 years before I decided to get into it. πŸ˜‚

After preparing assets, configuring my stream interface, looking for DMCA-free music, and tweaking the necessary settings, my Twitch channel is finally up and ready to run! ✨πŸŽ‡✨

Every Thursdays and Saturdays at 12:30 a.m. (GMT +8), I'll be streaming art on my channel and playing some chill music in the background as I do. You can chill out with me while I make art, and heck you can even ask me to do stuff with your channel points too!

You can follow me on Twitch here. Catch you there! πŸ‘‹

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

1/4/2022 Changelog

Happy new year, all. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‡ I don't have any art right now to commemorate the new year, but I do have this lovely tray of cold cuts instead:

Now for some stuff I'd like to announce:

πŸ’° Patreon is now up! AT LAST. You can now be my patron here! I'll also be adding this thing after every comic from now on:

Cheaper alternative to Patreon at my Ko-fi! Because Patreon has some extra fees that they take whenever people donate. You can check it out here. Also, Ko-fi has the option for one-time payments. Feel free to donate wherever you're more comfortable!

🎨 MORE ART! As usual. I would also like to finish the current arc for Gator Buddies before March so I can start with the next one.

πŸŽ₯ Livestreaming on Twitch? This is still up in the air; I doubt my rig right now can handle it, but I'd really like to give it a go.

That's it for now. I'd also like to once again thank my friends, supporters, readers of my comic, and donors over the past year who have helped me just, well, keep this blog going. I'd also like to especially thank my girlfriend for always being there for me, thick and thin, and cheering me on in whatever I do.

Cheers to a fruitful 2022! πŸ₯‚
