Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Ham and Cheese Quiche

I said yesterday that I would post about my ham and cheese quiche, and so here it is.

The first time I thought of baking a quiche while I was here was when I was hanging out with two of my French classmates at Starbucks after school. I saw their spinach and cheese quiche on display and while I was scarfing down my order of a slice some moments later, I began to wonder if it was possible to achieve baking a quiche inside my recently acquired rice cooker.

Normally, quiches are baked in an oven. But my sharehouse doesn't have an oven, nor does my room have enough space to actually even store one. Besides, I'm not exactly the most normal person ever. I looked up a recipe over Google, and to my delight, I learned that such a thing was even feasible.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

12/19 Sketch Dump

Hey, everyone! So after some months stuck in an art block, Japanese studies, and recent frustration about the lack of content in my blog, I'm finally going to post something for once. My classes also just ended for the term and I've been recently motivated to do some digital doodling, with the use of (LE GASP) Photoshop CS6 instead of Pixelmator. My new MSI doesn't support Pixelmator (sadly) so, since yesterday, I've dived into an attempt to master Photoshop's seemingly complicated interface and figuring everything out on my own:

Friday, September 1, 2017


Holy crap. It's been so long since I posted something digital. This started off as a doodle on a tiny sheet of paper while I was at work. I scanned it, got on Pixelmator, and got painting.

For those who haven't been up-to-date on my Instagram, I was at Misibis Bay two weeks ago and did some water sports at the resort. One of them was windsurfing; it was my first time to do that, and I had such a hard time staying balanced and keeping control of the sail (it was heavy and constantly drenched, which didn't help). But it was a lot of fun. If I had a chance to try it again, I definitely would.

I'm really satisfied with how this turned out. I would really love to see this as a print on a T-shirt, or a poster on a black background.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Scene at Ueno Park

This was a doodle I made on my recent trip to Japan (and inked only in the last few days), where I decided to take a breather during my afternoon stroll at Ueno Park. I ended up sitting in the middle of a wooded space in the northern area of the park and was just watching all these kids and families coming together by this small playground. What got my interest in particular were these kids playing on this top like object that shifted and tilted with their weight but never dislodged from the ground it was bolted to.

I tried to capture the scenery in ink, but I'm not really happy with how this turned out. Ink isn't really the proper medium for such an image, but it was worth a try.

Monday, August 21, 2017


My lack of content is so depressing. So here's a quick doodle of me (I actually like how I did my alt hairdo this time) and my girlfriend, Emotionalstone <3

I'm also not used to this kind of cartoony art style. I often end up reverting to my old one (attempts at proportions, anatomy, etc.) really quickly.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Trainer ID 2017

First of all, I'd like to thank those who've greeted me a happy birthday. I can't believe I'm actually 23 now. I feel older than I should be, and it doesn't help that I am constantly tired either.

But moving on, here's the real reason why I posted:

Thought I would do a Trainer ID meme thing where I feature another full-body pose of my avatar, and my team in Pokémon: Sun and Moon. My key items just happen to be all of my… Essentials, so to speak. :P I'm rather satisfied with how this turned out.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Self-Portrait 2017

Over a month old… Wasn't only until now I got around to uploading this.

Given how my avatar looks is now in stark contrast as to what I actually do look like IRL, I've decided to do a makeover. Edit: I now consider this look as my alternate appearance, if you will. Tried to be less animu this time.

Now how do I ink raccoon eyes without them looking awkward ._.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

PAC 2016 #31 - Druddigon

December 31: Overall Favorite Pokémon.

Bless you, Unova. You've brought me the dragon I've always wanted to see in Pokémon (next to Charizard, to a degree). Of all my favorites, Crayoladragon topples and makes a full sweep of the entire competition.

I do admit that I used to have a hard time drawing this Pokémon, especially its head, which is a major reason why I hadn't been able to wrap up PAC 2016 as quickly as I should have done. While its 3D render from Gen. VI makes it significantly easier to see just how it should be drawn from various angles, it wasn't only until recently that I managed to get it looking exactly the way I wanted.

All that said and done, PAC 2016 IS OFFICIALLY FINISHED! Took me four goddamn months but it was worth it if it meant getting to finish with this image /orz

Now I can actually move on to other projects. I have a few things I've been meaning to do for a while now, but I haven't been able to pursue them because of IRL issues, plus the fact that I hadn't finished this challenge. With this done I feel a heavy burden finally off my shoulders, and am more able to freely push through with all the stuff I've had in mind.

Cheers to more projects (that actually end up getting done on time) in the future!

PAC 2016 #30 - Mega Charizard Y

December 30: Favorite Mega Evolution.

This was basically the Charizard redesign I've always wanted to see. It's not a Dragon-type, but personally, it doesn't really matter all that much.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

PAC 2016 #29 - Alolan Marowak

December 29: Favorite Alolan Form Pokémon.

I've barely got any choices on this category. I actually feel neutral towards all of them, but if I had to choose a favorite I would really lean into this one.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Hey, guys!

Just wanted to let everyone know that this time, yours truly is going AFK again, and this time I'll be staying in lovely Taiwan for the week with my family. And yes, just like what I did in Japan last December, I will be posting all about it on my Instagram.

That said, I hope you all will be tuning into my IG for the next few days. I'll be featuring a picture spamfest of Taiwanese culture, food, history, and more! Catch my adventures live from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (UTC +08:00) until my flight on the 15th!

You can follow me right here if you haven't yet. Hoping to see you join in on the adventure with me!

PAC 2016 #28 - Leafeon

December 28: Favorite Eeveelution.

I don't think there's enough love for Leafeon about… Or maybe it's just because I see too many images of Sylveon as compared.

Friday, March 3, 2017


I'm sure we've all been at that state where we don't know what to do with ourselves at least once in our lives.

Shoutout to all those people who already know what to do with their lives at my age though, or even before that. At least you already have an idea of what you want, and where you want to go.

As for me? I used to feel like I had absolutely no idea where to go… What I envisioned for myself and such. One of the reasons was that I always put other people to the forefront of my mind in the things I did, making them the ultimate goal. But in time it often resulted in me leaving my own goals abandoned, and me even losing my own vision and original drive in the process.

Then I eventually decided to become selfish, just as I was supposed to, and finally pursue my own personal goals--and hopefully my dreams--for a change. Now I know what I want, what I want to do… And what I'm going to do to get it. It feels so liberating to know I finally have some sort of direction with myself and I am well on my way there.

Friday, February 24, 2017


"…They're just sit ups."


Two words.

Heavy breathing.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Weight Loss Partners

"As the physical manifestation of your conscience and out of sheer goodwill, I'm rather obligated to--by all means--prevent your consumption of food items rich in saccharine by consuming them myself."

"But you're on a diet too!"

"Yes, but which one of us has lost more weight this week?"

"…You did."

"See? I'm such a nice friend. You should be grateful."


As I said prior, I've been on a weight loss challenge with a friend. It's been very effective thus far (my weight has gone down by 7 lbs. as of this writing), and while initially difficult to adjust to, I've finally gotten used to eating more like a goat. I've also managed to have some self-control with what I eat most of the time, though I still get cravings every now and then.

This ink is dedicated to my weight loss partner, who has become a very good friend of mine over the last few weeks. Who'd have thought we'd both be so similar either? Couldn't have made the journey without starting it off with her, and I'm very glad to have done it with her of all people as well.

Also, she really needs to keep her sweet tooth in check. But then again, deep down I'm sure she's secretly grateful for all the motivating pictures of sweets and candies I send straight into her chat box.

Friday, February 10, 2017


Last Monday I began doing a weight loss challenge with a friend in an attempt to be healthier together. So I've been trying to cut my consumption, and up my physical activity… Good lord, exercise is hard.

And then today I learned it was World Pizza Day and nearly every pizza store I knew near me was offering discounts, bundles, and buffet promos.

What a time for temptation to run me over like a bus.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

PAC 2016 #27 - Snivy

December 27: Favorite Starter Pokémon.

Though I've been fairly obsessed with Rowlet these days, Snivy remains as my favorite starter. Appearance-wise, it and its evolutions reminded me greatly of the character Neira from Suikoden Tierkreis, and I have even drawn a Serperior in the same robes before.

PAC 2016 #26 - Silvally

December 26: Favorite Legendary Pokémon.

The llama god clone's derpiness SPOILER: during the credits sequence won me over.

Its status as a legendary is questionable though, since it's a synthetic Pokémon and isn't really a legend in that sense. But whatever.

Friday, February 3, 2017


It's the first day of my formal Japanese classes today! Had a lot of fun learning and writing down new Japanese words and reading all the Hiragana symbols we discussed out loud. It's always great to learn new languages, especially when it's one you've always wanted to learn all your life.

And you know what else is fun? Meeting new people! While I like having friends online and even though I get triggered just being in a room full of strangers, it's great to actually meet people face to face and interact with them for once. It's a nice change from sitting in front of my laptop all day playing games while on Teamspeak (no offense TS peeps). Of course it means me being not lazy and getting out of my house but hey, the world isn't limited to just the confines of your room.

But sometimes, it's also better if I didn't have the, uh, pleasure of being in the presence of some people… Particularly anime-loving weeaboos.

So my dear seatmate in my Japanese classes, I am begging you, for the sake of saving a life, particularly mine.

Please, please, PLEASE don't be my nightmare come to life.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

PAC 2016 #25 - Decidueye

December 25: Favorite Gen. VII Pokémon.

I never intended to get Rowlet from the very beginning to be honest. That time I simply thought it was cute, but not really my thing. I had my eyes set on Litten back then because, cat, and I love cats. While I liked having Grass-type starters, I wanted to take a change of pace by having a Fire-type starter like I did in White 2.

But then circumstances (ahemccahem) happened, and I developed a sudden love and fondness for owls. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, instead of zippocat, I was holding up grass owl when I first started out from Iki Town.

Looking back, I have no regrets.

As of this writing, this ink is my most favorite ink out of PAC 2016. Also, Owl Mom, I personally think you make a great and appropriately wonderful Decidueye /shot

PAC 2016 #24 - Hawlucha

December 24: Favorite Gen. VI Pokémon.

If there's a generation to dislike, personally it was VI. X/Y's story and even its NPCs were utterly laced with too much sunshine and rainbows that it was just plain cringe-worthy. The saccharine-coated story and characters being hurled into my face all at once was too much for me, to the point it would make me barf. Too much cheerfulness, too much exaggeration on trying to make the player a part of the Kalos world, such that it just felt unrealistic in my opinion.

Pokémon-wise, not many have really caught my attention other than the final evolutions of all the starters. But personally, if it was one other than those three, I'd have to go with luchador hawk here.

PAC 2016 #23 - Zekrom

December 23: (Second) Favorite Gen. V Pokémon.

I realize, after looking back, that almost 70% of all my posts for the challenge are full of Pokémon from Gen. V. Black and White really touched me in more ways than one. From the story (which, at the time, got me personally; looking back it wasn't all that gripping) to the setting, to the entire Unova roster… Hard to find something not to love (other than the lackluster endgame content).

I say second Gen. V because apparently, my most favorite Pokémon happens to be from Unova as well. Doesn't mean I love this voltage battery dragon any less.

After weeks of inactivity (because life has been running me over like a train lately) I've finally gotten my gears rolling again! PAC 2016 will soon come to a close at last!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Welcome, 2017!

Hey, guys.

I'd like to greet everyone who has been visiting my page a Happy New Year. I hope your celebrations have gone as planned, or even more than that.

However… 2016 has honestly yet to end for me. Until I get PAC 2016 and my recent AFK entries in order, I can't properly say 2016 is over just yet (it doesn't help that my recently acquired games are tempting me to do otherwise…).

I want to take this time to say that 2016 was truly a year where my knowledge of art techniques have improved by a significant deal. Perhaps it wasn't so noticeable during the first half of 2016 because I was caught up in things like my internship and such. But looking back, especially when I participated in the Evoland 2 Fan Art Contest and started doing my Inktober 2016 entries, I really see that I have learned so much in terms of both digital art and inking respectively.

Below is a showcase of my personal favorite artworks I've done in 2016:

I'd like to thank everyone who has been tuned in to my art blog over the last couple of months, and for being patient with me even when my work comes in late. I haven't been the most timely person but I hope how my work looks at the end at least make up for my tardiness.

If there's a new year's resolution to be had for me it's to be more… Punctual when it comes to posting. And to have more content posted on my blog. And to learn more art techniques. Hopefully I can live up to my resolutions… I hope. /brick'd

Again, have a great 2017, everyone. I also hope you'll all remain subscribed to my blog for the upcoming year, as I will try my best to keep it updated with more things from me.

Cheers to more good things and more artworks in the future!