Friday, March 3, 2017


I'm sure we've all been at that state where we don't know what to do with ourselves at least once in our lives.

Shoutout to all those people who already know what to do with their lives at my age though, or even before that. At least you already have an idea of what you want, and where you want to go.

As for me? I used to feel like I had absolutely no idea where to go… What I envisioned for myself and such. One of the reasons was that I always put other people to the forefront of my mind in the things I did, making them the ultimate goal. But in time it often resulted in me leaving my own goals abandoned, and me even losing my own vision and original drive in the process.

Then I eventually decided to become selfish, just as I was supposed to, and finally pursue my own personal goals--and hopefully my dreams--for a change. Now I know what I want, what I want to do… And what I'm going to do to get it. It feels so liberating to know I finally have some sort of direction with myself and I am well on my way there.