Saturday, March 16, 2024

Best Combination (最高コンビ)

My goodness this took much longer than I would like to admit. I've been so busy IRL!

Some Cthugha and Leannan Sidhe fan art I had on the backburner for a while, which I owed to a friend for some things they did for me. I wasn't feeling up to drawing anyone in particular after my last painting, so I decided to try working on this one just to clear up my list.

I was gonna attempt some new techniques on this one, but I ultimately decided to just go for what I usually did halfway through; I started getting pretty antsy about this not getting done. It didn't help that I hardly have time these days either.

I'll be trying to make time for more art though! I want to make sure I always have a thing or two out every month 🥰