Thursday, September 22, 2016

Bork bork

Coincidentally, I learned that Loki the Corgi died recently. I'd like to offer condolences to his owners.

Goodnight sweet prince. Hope you're enjoying breadbutt paradise in heaven.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Little Kuro

Rather late post. Out of the entire Evoland 2 cast, Kuro is my honest-to-goodness favorite.

Will post a digital version later on, as soon as I stop getting dragged into either Starbound or Minecraft.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Watcher

As many of you know I play Minecraft often, as seen in my short stories and recent posts. Lately I have been frequenting an MCMMO server called Cedar Craft (or CC) where I've made a number of friends, some of whom surprisingly much older than I am.

One person there in particular has been rather comforting to be around with. I consider her the oldest in the server, older than the mods and even the owner himself. Some members of CC call her The Watcher, as she loved to watch her son play Minecraft before she hopped in on it herself. As Toriel is to Goat Mom (to all of us who've played Undertale), I consider her my proverbial Owl Mom, so to speak, especially since her avatar is that of a brown owl:

This one's for you, Etsi.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Hey, guys. After my last post about my attempt at animating, I felt more inclined to add more expressions to the ones I made for the animation. And it just so happens that my blog needed a well-deserved change of background too, so I made this:

This was fun. Really, really fun. I think I'll make another set later and add it to this one to make a bigger, more vast background.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Mini Animation

Animating is srs bsns.

All in all though, making this was fun. Even if it did take me 4 hours because I was too confused by all the frames I made.

Drawn in Pixelmator, compressed in this website.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

One year, and still here!

I'm two days late, but better late than never.

Time flies rather quickly, doesn't it? I can't believe it's already been more than a year since I first started this blog… Though in fairness a vast majority of my blog consists of content migrated straight from my DeviantArt, and the only major thing I've posted about is the recently concluded #evoland2fanartcontest.

Nonetheless, I'm happy to say that this blog is still up even after so long, and I actually still find time to post even with my busy schedule. I'd like to thank all those people who have not only been supporting me with my art-related ventures, but for also giving me a more positive outlook in life. I'll do my best to keep posting more new content in the future… And maybe even pick back up on the stuff I said I would work on, hopefully.

Here's to my blog's first anniversary, and to more content in the future.
