"Does new shiny friend like it? Tarocheeki got it just for you!"
Yeduld had to admit; this scarf looked rather nice on him. "Yes, I... Appreciate it. Thank you."
My last post was about the end of Digitober... But that changes today!
This was actually concocted at the last minute; I couldn't think of anything I could whip up quickly enough before New Year's finally hit. But as I was drawing Yeduld I decided that I would just go on to draw this cute little scarf scene with Tarocheeki. Nice to see more artwork of skritt and shiny rods together! 😁
Now I just want to greet everyone a Happy New Year. 2020 was one hell of a mess, like yikes, man. I look forward to the vaccines finally rolling in full speed for worldwide consumption so we can all go back to normal. I miss traveling and just going for a simple drive alone to the countryside while I'm listening to Celtic tunes.
Now to make resolutions I will struggle to keep! Losing weight? Maybe (I should.)! Brushing up my Japanese? Probably (I should do that too.)! Moar art? YOU FUCKING BET, EVEN THOUGH I PROBABLY WON'T POST UNTIL OCTOBER HITS AGAIN!
Cheers to the new year ahead, and hopefully it will be better than the last ever was! 🍻