Man, it's been a while since I worked on anything with my gator OCs and their friends, hasn't it?
I wanted to take a break for a time from the intense paintings I've been working on lately. With the weather over here in Canada being as chilly as it is, I figured now was also the perfect time to get myself a new sweater... Heck, even a new mug.
So I whipped up a bunch of doodles about my gator OCs, brainstormed about winter-related things. I was thinking, "What would be other winter-related things one would typically expect in the Swamplands?" Snow isn't a thing in the marshes unless you went to somewhere of high elevation... Then I settled for some winter crops and vegetation. And I didn't even know until recently that chestnuts grew around Florida in the US; seeing as the Swamplands are based on the swamps of southeastern North America, it was a neat little thing to know. Who'd have thought, eh?