Friday, July 26, 2024

Research Break (研究休憩)

Oh god, my paintings are taking soooooo much longer to finish these days... 😰

Anyway, here's a very delayed gift for a friend of mine in the r/Housamo Discord server. I started a poll asking what character I should paint for him, and the community wanted me to make Pazuzu over Oguchi Magami, two of his favorites (I already painted Horkeu for him last year).

I actually had another WIP of Pazuzu from last year, but that one never came to fruition. I just lost the feel to continue that one, but I figured it was for the best since I wasn't too fond of it looking back. This one feels more like I really did him justice.

I decided to also drop some lighting effects I initially wanted the model to have, which was just the light peering in from the blinds behind the monitor. At this point I just wanted to hurry up with this because oh my god it's been one month since I last posted anything 💀

Anyway. Here's your long-awaited Pazuzu content from me, Kaiser. Cheers! 🥂