Sunday, November 24, 2024

Self-Portrait 2024

Oh, well, this is at least two months overdue... 😅

I intended to submit this back in September, when my website celebrated it's 9th anniversary. But I had been caught up in my Arc landscape piece, and by the time it was over, it was time to start my art challenge for the year.

It's now finished though, and as you can see, I gave my avatar's hairdo a much-needed realistic revamp. I also decided that I wanted to replicate a friend's art style while making this, but as I continued to paint, I found myself falling back on some old painting habits of mine. I tried to persist where I could, like on the hands and on the folds on the clothes... And even the lighting on my avatar's hair. Although I am disappointed that this did not turn out more like his art style, I'm also pleased with how it still manages to stay consistent with my recent style while managing to incorporate some of his into my own.

With this done, I think I'll be focusing on Guild Wars 2 headcanon content again for a while. Housamo has been fun, still is whenever I feel like rolling on the gacha, but I feel the pull of entertaining my GW2 brainrot... And so shall be thus from here on out.

I'm proud to say, though this year hasn't been as active as the previous ones, Crossover now stands at nine years of existence, and will continue to stand for many more. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this long and extensive journey. 🧃

Friday, November 1, 2024


"Around this time of year, it rains pretty often, and sunny days are rare."

Yikes, it's already November 😱 So much for ending on time this year... But that's just the way it goes. I'm not gonna attempt to push myself to keep attempting the challenge at this point, even if a part of me desperately wants to (Haha, no. 😒). Besides, I have a lot of other projects in my backlog that I really want to get to, and I'm just relieved that the month is over.

So to cap the art challenge, I decided to go with Etherei, since I realized I actually don't have a lot of art of the guy. That and a part of me is itching a little to go back to my original content...

Anyway, good game; this now officially caps Studytober 2024, and while it's a shame this could have progressed better, well, we don't always get the challenge done on time every year. I was, though, sort of hoping I could keep the trend going of finishing the challenge on time after how well the last two years went. 😅

Here's to a more successful challenge next year 🧃