Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Nightlight (2021)

A friend of Crocigator's ever since he could remember. Leader to a swarm of fellow fireflies, she and her companions keep a close watch on the young Stubby while the young gator is out on his adventures. Should Stubby be ever in any danger, the fireflies work as a team to inform Crocigator right away, who is never too far from him. In return, Crocigator allows the fireflies to live in the safety and comfort of his shack.

While an observer might find it odd that Nightlight and her fellow fireflies go out of their way to do this for the gators, it is said that both Nightlight and Crocigator shared a certain history with one another, leading them to be in each other's debt. This agreement between the gator and the fireflies is supposedly their own way of repaying one another.


Crap. I'm behind by 3 days again. πŸ˜‘

On the bright side, I present to you Nightlight's new character design! πŸŽ‰

I spent a fair deal of time overhauling her previous design into one that was more feminine and more original (thus the delay in Digitober posting). Up until this point she felt like a lookalike of a mascot from a local fast food joint. I also had trouble with what colors to use until I settled for these earthy tones. She looks much more like a proper firefly now, especially with all this color. 🎨

That does it for the Gator Buddies cast for now. πŸ˜„ This was a lot of fun! And a welcome relief from all the lineless painting I've been doing too. Now to rack my head for ideas on what to make next...

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