Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Eboxygen and Monkshood

So this was a double commission I had been working on for the last couple of days for Eboxygen and Monkshood! They asked me if I could make their characters and I was more than willing to accept. And these are what they look like!

Thank you both again for the commission! It was a pleasure to work with you both! 💕

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Self-Portrait 2023

Back on September 5, 2023, my website celebrated a whopping 8 years of existence. That's nearly a whole decade of arting, albeit on and off at the start and somewhere in the middle. My site continues to stand today, more vibrant than it was several years ago. It serves as my personal art journal in my ever-continuous journey of self-discovery.

To commemorate this yearly milestone, I decided now would be a good time as any to redo my self-portrait, featuring techniques I have learned and accumulated over the past year. I envisioned this to have my avatar originally being reflected off the surface of some crystal, but the art piece started taking a little more time than I felt comfortable with. That said, I settled for a basic rectangular background with the inside showing some indication of cracks and other light particles reflecting off of it. I'm quite proud and satisfied with this simple result. 😊

Here's to another year of Crossover. 🎉 Another year of arting, another year of continuously honing my skills and techniques on the digital canvas... And another year of my reliable productivity guilt, which never ceases to haunt me and remind me to actually make more art during my free time instead of wasting it on other things. 😆

Cheers to the year ahead! 🧃

Friday, September 8, 2023

Request (依頼)

"Lady Otohime, may I ask for something?"

"Yes, Lord Yamasachihiko. How may I be of service?"

"Do you mind just... Staying with me for tonight? The futon's a bit small, but I think we'll manage..."


Goodness, this took longer than I thought. But after overcoming my temptations to do anything besides this painting, I'm finally finished! I was trying to apply more of my new techniques and getting over my ugly phase moments, and the latter was a bit more daunting this time around... The important thing though is I did it! 😄

Yamasachihiko and Otohime together is another one of those rare sightings around the fandom. And I, for one, love providing such rare content. Consider this my second Housamo OTP next to Arc/MC2. 😎