Monday, June 17, 2024

Cake Day 2024

Just a quick sketch that I wanted to indulge in for my birthday 🍰 Sometimes, amidst my sea of colorful, fully-rendered art pieces, I still like to do a rough sketch from time to time. Today was just one of those days.

I'd like to consider this as a momentary reprieve from... So much that has been happening recently. This year I realize I've not been dishing out as much content as I would have wanted to... A lot of it really has to do with my busy schedule as of late. Still, I try to ensure there's something of quality coming from me no matter what. 🙏

Also, think about it: it's been three decades. My goodness. So much time has passed since my conception that it's unreal. Thirty years? Where'd all that time go? It didn't feel that long ago that I made the decision to leave for Japan around a year or so after graduating college, and now I'm living in peace somewhere in Canada. Life for me now has been immensely more emotionally peaceful than it was when I lived back home, and I couldn't be more grateful for it.

Other than a car and a house, and maybe even a new rice cooker or something... If I wanted something for my birthday, I think I'd want to just be able to live my best life. A quiet, peaceful life where I can work my mundane ass job, make decent money, and still have time to do all my art and hobbies. At a stage of my life where I've already experienced a lot of what's exciting about living, all I want to do now is just settle down and live like a boring, normal person.

And I would be perfectly fine with just that.

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