Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Ephemeral - Part 1

In the middle of the darkness, Thea heard the jingle of a chain, and she turned, seeing her. The familiar, shorter brunette in teal clothes stood there, her back turned towards the siren. The girl made no motion to acknowledge the other's presence, keeping her head bowed as a shadow remained cast over her eyes.

Thea, however, was the opposite, becoming overwhelmed with a newfound sense of hope and unexplainable euphoria. She had never been so grateful to see Mary again, and after being separated from her for so long. The siren had long since vowed to bring Mary home no matter what, and soon, everything would be alright with the world again, now that she found her. She and Mary living peacefully in their quiet little island together… And nothing to keep them away from living their lives in serenity.

Just like old times.

Emotion guided her feet, bringing them to a sprint. As she neared, Thea stretched out her hand. It had been too long since she had last felt Mary's presence, and she needed to hold her--feel her--for herself… Just to prove she was real.

No… Thea realized. She must be.

She had to be.


Bleh, the last bits of #inktober slowly getting there… But I'm making progress, and just when I'm sick too. Huzzah!

Today, I'm shifting some focus to my OCs Thea and Mary. For the unaware, Thea is a retired singer living in recluse in a solitary island after her boyfriend disappeared at sea, and Mary is an amnesiac who washed up on the island one day and whom Thea eventually rescues. The two have since lived together for a time, until certain events eventually separated them from each other.

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