Monday, November 21, 2016

Ephemeral - Part 2

Thea's hand reached out towards Mary's shoulder. It felt as real as the last time she'd done, which had been a time long ago, yet remained vivid in the recesses of the siren's mind. And now, Mary was here… They were reunited at last.

In excitement she abruptly--and unintentionally--forced the brunette to face her. No one could blame her, really; Thea had missed seeing the girl's face, her complexities… The innocent face that she'd grown to become fond of in the time they spent together, one which she didn't realize she wanted to wake up every morning to until the day they were separated.

But as quickly as she had turned the brunette around, the smile on her face faded just the same.

Before her now stood a completely different person. Like Mary she was a brunette, yet her hair was wilder and sported a plume-like tuft. No longer did she wear her usual "7" shirt and loose jeans; they were replaced instead by a matching pair of denim jacket and pants. This girl had on her face not the childish expression Thea was familiar with, but instead had a look of utter surprise and disbelief, one that showed no signs of recognizing the retired singer.

"Who are you?"

Thea heard a crack as her heart thumped with impending dread. It was faint but audible, and she knew exactly what it was. 

"I…" She gulped. "It's me, girl. Don't you remember? It's Thea…"

The brunette simply blinked in confusion.

"Thea? I don't know anyone named Thea, sorry… Hey, do you know how I can get outta here? There's somewhere I gotta be right now and…"

Her explanation fell on deaf ears as Thea attempted to register the situation. While--in fairness--they both looked rather similar, yet the person before her clearly wasn't Mary. This person appeared too rough, too bold and daring even, qualities that hardly defined the shy and withdrawn brunette Thea knew. Perhaps she had just been delusional?

But then she saw the girl's eyes. Though not sleepy-looking and tired like they used to be, there was no doubt in Thea's mind that those were the same metallic, teal eyes she'd seen in Mary long ago…


She suddenly grabbed the youth's hand, causing the other to stop talking. Reckless will swelled up from within the siren. "Mary, have you forgotten about me already? We used to live together. You washed up at the shore, I rescued you and took care of you… You forgot everything that time and I tried to help you remember, but then the sea monster…" Tears pooled at the corners of her eyes, and she gulped whatever remained of that thought. "Oh god, Mary. I'm sorry you have to see me like this, but it doesn't matter. I'm just so happy… We can both finally go home and live our lives in peace again--"

The girl pulled away, much to Thea's shock. She cast an awkward, defensive gaze towards the older woman, her eyes indignant with a hostile alertness.

"Look, lady," The youth started. "I don't know you. I think you've mistaken me for somebody else. I don't know any Thea, and my name sure as hell isn't Mary either."

"N No" Thea tried to rationalize things, but her mental state after her time in utter isolation only blurred the line between reason and emotion. She clung onto the other out of desperation. "Mary, please You don't understand. You've forgotten me again, that's it. You need to remember It's me, it's Thea--"

"What the hell, lady!? Stop!"

All of a sudden, a burst of crimson energy pulsated from the girl in blue, sending Thea just a few ways away with a skid and tumble, much to the woman's surprise. Shakily, Thea struggled to stand, yet when she looked up, neither hide nor hair of the brunette could be seen anywhere.


Almost instantly, Thea felt her hopes shatter in the depths of her already broken soul.


Absolutely late post… /sigh

A continuation of the first part, which you can find here. Found this backstory as one hell of a struggle to write, but I'm just glad it's finished.

Now, only two more to go #stopprocrastination2016

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