Saturday, December 10, 2016

PAC 2016 #09 - Serperior

December 9: Favorite Grass-type.

The Regal Pokémon could do naught but stare, shocked speechless at the sight of the human in front of her. Behind the human were Neira's companions and Pokémon she was unfamiliar with (the Trainer's Pokémon, perhaps?), all watching them from afar in silence.

Neira caught sight of the Vanilluxe twins among the unfamiliar crowd, and recognized them. When her eyes met with Éclair's, the latter simply nodded towards her. She felt the Ice-type sending the silent message that yes, while the human's physical appearance had visibly changed, this woman is exactly whom the Serperior thinks she is, the same Trainer she first bonded with two years ago.

The Trainer took a step closer, then another, until she had closed the distance between them. She looked up and locked eyes with the taller Pokémon, before reaching upwards and placing her hand on the other's neck, stroking it. For a moment, as Neira felt the nostalgic warmth spread throughout her body, she saw the cold, distant veil lift itself from the woman's cyan orbs, replaced by a softer, fonder gaze the Serperior had been all too familiar with, and one she hadn't seen in two years.

Neira felt her eyes dampen. Tori knew what was to come next--from the way Neira's crimson eyes became glassy, to the way her body began to tremble in her touch--and she merely nodded in understanding, before wrapping her arms around the Grass-type's midsection.

It was enough to send everything crashing down all at once.

Neira held nothing back, all the while enclosing herself longingly around the Trainer, but just enough so as to not constrict her. Tori let her own tears flow, resting her cheek against Neira's body and revelling in feeling of the Serperior's warm, protective coil that squeezed every now and then. From a distance, everyone else stood witness to their intimacy, yet to either of them, it didn't really matter. It had been far too long since circumstances first separated them, and now, what was important was that they were finally reunited.

"I'm home… Old friend."

Just the way it should be.


So yesterday, things came up, thus the late post.

I had a hard time figuring out how I wanted to draw this Pokémon, to be honest. Like with Porygon2 I was thinking of doing something that showed more action and movement, but I couldn't seem to achieve that.

So I turned to my Trainer OC for help, and well, here we are (even got a story slipped in there too, what a bonus).

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