Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Studytober 2024 | ~こそ

Oh, dear god. It's that time of the year again. 😱 Between all my personal projects, busy schedule IRL, and my Japanese language studies, it's quite obvious from the get go that I actually don't have a lot of time for much else in between. And yet here I am, making an attempt this year anyway:

Studytober 2024 is me making practical use of my yearly art challenge by using it as a means to study for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test this coming December. I am aiming for N2 level this year, and I've been trying my best to expand my vocabulary and learn as much as I can before test day arrives.

Here, I've prepared my very own daily lesson plan. Each day will focus on a singular grammar element for N2, and these are taken directly from my N2 Japanese grammar book, as well as from the advanced Japanese lessons I attend to every week online. The goal is to make a sentence out of each grammar element everyday, and create a related image out of it.

Now, because the main focus of this challenge is to study Japanese, I'm not going to go ham on each piece like I normally would (colored pieces, detailed content, etc.). With my schedule, trying to attempt something like it would be simply unrealistic, so I'm going to ease the pressure off my shoulders by limiting my images to mere rough sketches. It'll be better off for me and my sanity.

That said, here's my first entry:

If you can't read Japanese, that's okay. What I'm trying to say here is, "I'm studying Japanese especially because I want to read my favorite visual novel games without needing to use a translator." πŸ’€

As I do every year, I'll be tagging all my Studytober 2024 posts accordingly, and you'll even be able to access all the posts using the Crossover Map to the right.

Here's to studying for my exam, and making sure I finish the challenge on time this year! πŸ§ƒ

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