Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Sunset Hunt (夕暮れハント)

[Arakawa Ward]

“…Yo, you over there. Human. Did you come all the way here looking for a certain stray dog?”
“Gahahaha, I knew I’d have you make such a dumb face. You can’t really live in the wild like this can you, <Name>?”

In some corner of Tokyo, the rays of the slums’ evening sun shine down the sweat dripping down Q’ursha’s body from his basketball practice.

“Oi, oi. What the? What do you expect me to do with this little box you’re giving me?”
“Oh, is that right? It’s some event called Valentine’s Day that you celebrate in this world? So that’s the thing everyone’s been raving over on social media.”
“And that’s why you came here with some snacks for me; that’s just how the customs go. Man, to think you’d come all this way…”
“Well, whatever. It’s in my principles to not turn down any food being offered to me. There’re all sorts of food to be had when you live the kind of life I do, so.”

Q’ursha takes your gift, albeit roughly, and leaves the box unopened as he pockets it.

“But you really can’t be going around thinking you can feed me like this, you know? After all, the current me is just some wandering stray dog.”
“Nevertheless, I should offer my gratitude. Thank you. I was born and raised with pedigree, after all.”
“H-Hey, what’re you looking at other people’s tails for!? It’s not like I’m not wagging my tail like a puppy or something!”
“What? It was just shaking a little bit? How about using your pointless observational skills on something else, why don’t you?”
“Jeez… Anyway, what did you really come here for?”
“What? You really just wanted to give this thing to me? And if I called you… You wanted to surprise me? Honestly…”

Q’ursha sighs as he closes his eyes, mindlessly adjusting his cap.

“It’s a shame you came all this way, though. I unfortunately don’t really have anything besides my ball and my phone.”
“It’s how it is since I don’t keep myself rooted to one place. My day-to-day is just having whoever I meet take care of me and keep me fed.”
“…Then again, it’s not like I can’t return the favor to those kinds of people either.”
“Somehow, I guess I’m pretty happy about it.”
“My chocolates aren’t going anywhere, and I’ll take my time having them later. That said, before I do… It’s about time I got hunting.”
“Although you’re my hunting partner, I’m not going easy on you. I won’t be able to sit still knowing there’s a favor I haven’t returned just like that. Besides—"
“I’d like to get involved with you, no strings attached. You get me, right?”
“The only thing I can do is feast on the prey that’s presented to me. Just being happy with what I get… It’s enough.”

Q’ursha ensnares you within his rough and brusque fur.

Through the intense, vigorous heartbeat you can feel pulsating from his body, separated from you by a mere tank top--

--In addition to the way he looks at you, it’s clear as day that he has absolutely no intention of letting you escape whatsoever.

Right before your eyes and at the tip of your nose, Q’ursha slowly and deliberately opens his mouth and shows it to you.

He does this to flaunt out his sharp fangs. He wants you to feel his own exhilaration, or possibly even tease you with what’s to come.

Soon, as it looks like he’s about to consume you, Q’ursha nears his mouth to your cheek, and whispers.

“…Partner. I’m going to make sure you’re fully satisfied. And while you’re fast asleep, I’ll be gone by the time you wake up in the morning.”
“So I’m asking you… Don’t fall in love with me, alright? You don’t fall for me… And I won’t fall for you.”


It's been OVER ONE MONTH SINCE I LAST POSTED I HATE IT HERE 🤬😡 I've just been so busy these days with all the work I've been doing... 😔

I also got so into this painting that I ended up making three versions of it. If I wasn't so overly concerned about how the background would look, I'm pretty sure I would have been done two or three weeks ago.

Anyway! Three different versions of this lovely Q'ursha and MC2 fan art, with an original outfit for MC2 by yours truly 😘 Plus an unofficial translation of Q'ursha's Valentine Crossroad Special Quest, which the painting is based off of!

Which version of this painting do you prefer? Feel free to take your pick! ✨

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