Monday, November 28, 2016

Owl Mother

"Hey, owl mom?"

A response came in the form of two warm wings wrapping themselves comfortably around the youth's person, pressing her closer to the motherly avian who nuzzled into her shorter stature. Over time, the further they became familiar to one another, it had become the norm between the two of them. She would ask once, and no further words would be said as the distance between them closed, and they became once again protected in the relative safety of each other's comforting presence.

With a faint blush and a chuckle, she returned the gesture in kind, giving the taller figure a firm squeeze before relaxing into them.



First digital piece in a while… And with my laptop giving me a minor heart attack over the weekend I'm surprised I even finished it in time. Thank goodness (I'm punctual for once! /brick'd).

…But seriously.

Happy birthday, Owl Mom. Hope you'll like my gift, eh?


Anonymous said...

Mother Owl is honored! It is beautiful! Made all the more so because it came from your heart! (((hugs))) <3

Anonymous said...

I think this drawing is a Hoot.

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