Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Concluding a Year of Inactivity

So before anything else, allow me to post what has become of me after this entire year:

Yes. Overweight, if not more so. If my original 68 kg. wasn't bad enough, I've actually shot up to freaking 75. Christ above. I really need to shed weight off of myself. Gym memberships are in order when I return to Japan on the 6th (as I'm currently home for the holidays).

Next, the state of this blog. Good lord. I told myself I would finish Inktober 2018... But school, plus lack of any motivation whatsoever, plus health problems. But mainly a lack of motivation. I have a lot of ideas but I find it so hard to put it on paper, then I look at what I have in my backlog (backstories to revamp, One-Third's setting to flesh out since I really do want to continue that story but that also needs me to flesh out other stories) and it all feels so overwhelming to me. I really want to be able to change that next year.

Next, health problems. As some of you know I've been dealing with a mix of health problems--starting with a strained muscle in my left leg, followed by neck hernia in July, numbing hands, and a discovery of my worsening scoliosis in November. Aside from my weight troubles I also want to alleviate these problems and the best way to do so would be to exercise a lot more often... Again, the gym memberships. And a diet. Definitely in need of one.

And seeing as it is the beginning of the year again and I am a little more confident about my Japanese at this point (though I will say I am still getting there) I've also decided to finally go and look for another job in Tokyo. I just want to get some money for myself and start saving more money for the future. Plus it is good work experience and a good way for me to practice Japanese more often.

Would I call this a list of my New Year's resolutions? Oh hell no. I don't even want to call them resolutions anymore. I've realized every time I make resolutions I only end up disappointed and unable to live up to them. I just want to view them as goals--no more, no less.

Thanks for all who've been sticking by me in my rough patches, and here's to a more fruitful year ahead. Cheers!


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