Saturday, January 5, 2019

The Project

Gender: ??? (Seemingly female)
Age: ??? (Around early 20's)
Occupation/Class: Experimental Test Subject
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 63 kg./139 lbs.
Likes: ???
Dislikes: ???

The Holding Compound holds many mysteries to the young Maiya Frost, but regardless of what they are, they all seem to revolve around this unknown, armored figure sleeping in the depths of the Compound. Maiya herself does not know what is it about this... Person (is it even a person, she wondered) that fascinates the Compound's scientists so. However, all she knows is that from their mere presence alone they are nothing to be trifled with, and Maiya hopes to never cross paths with them during her stay there.

Unfortunately for her, fate (and the Compound scientists) has (have) other plans. What's more, as it turns out the Project has developed a rather curious and keen interest towards her, and desires to meet her face-to-face in the near future...


Another OC from time immemorial. For a long time I debated on whether or not their identity be known the minute they were introduced, but an air of mystery apparently turned out to be the better idea in this situation.

I had opted just let this be an unfinished sketch and a messy doodle when I was working on the legs, but I just couldn't bring myself to stop after I had something going on with this already. Also thought of adding a background, but I think the smudged background looks decent enough. Glad with how this turned out.

I have also decided to temporarily call these series as Maiya's Story. Cheesy, yes. But I intend to rename this in the near future once I have something more solid to work with. It's also better than filing these under Sketch Dump.

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