Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Evoland 2 Fan Art Contest: And the Winner is…

Good god. Yes, I still can't believe it. But, after receiving the e-mail today from one of the Shiro Games devs, it's finally confirmed: I've won after receiving the most number of likes in the contest.

To everyone who has been supporting me in this contest, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for everything you've done. I would have never have come this far without your individual efforts to like my work and even share it around to other people. Coupled with all the work I had put into this project for so many nights while scouring Pinterest and DeviantArt for art tutorials, it's made me unbelievably happy to see all of it pay off after being personally informed that I emerged as the official winner.

Again, thank you all so much! Everything you've done to help me is truly and greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Evoland 2 Fan Art Contest: The Final Countdown

Hey, guys!

Very sorry for the lack of updates. Had a rather terrible weekend that dragged me down for a while… But with this contest reaching its end and my plans for the future coming along, I'm back on track and motivated to keep moving forward.

As of this writing it is around less than 19 hours before the closing of votes for the Evoland 2 Fan Art Contest on Facebook. So, if you haven't voted for me yet, you can click this conveniently hyperlinked text here so you can give my work a like. Please feel free to share it around too, so more people can like it. Every single like counts!

Oh, and speaking of my work…


Good god. And yes, you're just not seeing things either. My work has, as of this writing, acquired an unbelievably whopping 200 likes on Facebook and counting!

Thank you to everyone showing their support for me in the contest! At this rate I might actually win after all! Again, thank you all so much, and I really appreciate it! Thank you!

And now, have some obligatory music to commemorate these last few hours of the contest:

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Evoland 2 Fan Art Contest: 79 Likes and Counting!

Well, well, well! Guess who's leading the race for the #evoland2fanartcontest so far:

Yup, you guessed it! Yours truly is ahead of the game, with 79 likes on Facebook and counting! Thank you so much to everyone who liked my work! I'm very grateful for all the likes and support!

However, it's still too early to celebrate. The votes close on August 25, at 12 a.m. EST. I may be leading with likes right now but anything can happen before then. Things are still likely to change, but let's hope and pray that won't be the case!

That's why I am reaching out to you guys for more support. If you haven't liked my artwork yet, now's the perfect time to do so by going to the link here and hitting the like button on my photo!

Gave me your like already? No problem! If you know people with a Facebook account and you wanna help me win the contest, simply link them to my photo and ask them to give it a like for you (of course, don't be rude about it though)! Every last like matters!

Once again, thank you very much to everyone who has been showing their support for me and helping me win the contest! It really means a lot and I am truly appreciative for all your efforts to lend me a hand. Cheers!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Evoland 2 Fan Art Contest: IT'S HERE!

After waiting for the last 2-3 days, Shiro Games has finally posted all the entries for their fan art contest. The competition is... Surprisingly fewer than expected (there's only like 7 of us competing).

But more importantly...


I'm very excited to finally be sharing this, my hard work in the last couple of weeks come together as this very artwork!

Please support me in winning the contest by voting for me here! Every last like counts and will be greatly appreciated!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Evoland 2 Fan Art Contest: A Brief Calm

Back to work at my office job today. It honestly feels weird to not be working on any rough sketches in between my tasks nor itching to be back home as soon as possible to get my doodles in digital. With the rush to get my entry for the contest finally done I've enjoyed a time to sit back and relax, as well as trying out Chrono Trigger (I am already starting to see why people love this game).

Unfortunately I haven't been able to sleep very well this last weekend for some reason. I also learned the creators of Sandra and Woo were holding a fan art contest and its deadline was today, which was... Disheartening, since I had plans of participating. Welp, there goes my chance to win up to like $200 USD (/orz)

Anyway, on a more positive note, it's only a matter of time now before Shiro Games posts up all the entries for the contest on their Facebook page. In the meantime I'll be writing about the references in my entry, and after that I'll finally return working on my Short Stories and expanding the lore and cultures of my new MC singleplayer world. I can also get back to making concepts for a video game idea I've had in mind for a while now. And if I'm not doing either of those I'll probably be too busy being fascinated by the inner workings of cars in Car Mechanic Simulator 2014. Or sleeping, because sleeping is good and it's been raining lots lately.

I'll be updating with a link to my entry when it's posted, so you guys can vote for it. Until then I'm gonna take this time to relax and unwind, get some rest too while I'm at it.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Evoland 2 Fan Art Contest: 1 Day Left!

Finally! 1 day left before the deadline!

I'd like to inform everyone that my work is already officially finished and has been sent to Shiro Games directly. I won't be posting my full work until Monday though, when the entries are posted on Facebook for people to vote for.

Until then, have another preview!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Evoland 2 Fan Art Contest: 2 Days Left!

2 days left! As excited as I am, I'm also actually getting more nervous as the clock ticks down… Nonetheless it's the last leg of the race, and I'll have to give it my best now that I've come so far.

So, another preview for today…

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Evoland 2 Fan Art Contest: 3 Days Left!

3 days left before the deadline!

I'm feeling very optimistic, because I've made a lot of progress with the background today.

Anyway, here's another preview, this time a full-body one (because I couldn't seem to take a screenie of what I wanted to elaborate on today without it looking awkward):

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Evoland 2 Fan Art Contest: 4 Days Left!

4 days before the deadline! I've also made significant progress today, thank goodness. If all goes well then I might even be done by Thursday. I'm excited to see this project finally finished!

As promised, have another preview of my work:

Monday, August 8, 2016

Evoland 2 Fan Art Contest: 5 Days Left!

Hey, guys!

As those following me know, I've been so busy getting my entry for Shiro Games' Evoland 2 Fan Art Contest done (leaving me unable to write about the next short story I had in mind /orz). I'm admittedly also half in a state of panic since I wasted a whole day of not making any progress yesterday; I got stumped by artist's block over how my background should look like. Thankfully I've gotten over it and I've finally gotten an idea for my final output.

I was planning on posting regular updates on this blog about how my entry looked like over the last few weeks, but I was also reluctant over showing how my entry looked like so early in the race (I have shown it to people on Facebook and my guildies on WhatsApp though, and luckily for me none of them are into Evoland 2). Naturally I didn't want people to get any ideas off of my work and use it for their pieces, let alone steal my overall concept to use in the contest. I mean, I wanna win you know? And giving my competition ideas isn't really going to help me win the contest.

Now that it's the last 5 days before the deadline (when it's less likely for other people to make huge changes to what they've made), I've decided to post little snippets of my entire piece just to give everyone a sneak peek of what it looks like. I'll be posting one per day on the blog as the days count down to the 13th, so stay tuned!

I hope you'll all support me in winning this contest too! Cheers!


This WIP artwork of Ceres is mainly an attempt to combine Evoland 2's art style with mine, as well as utilizing my recently acquired digital painting techniques from hoarding art tutorials on Pinterest and dA; these will be relatively more prominent as I post more updates later on. Also perspective study with a view from the bottom-up.