Monday, November 30, 2015

Celeste Incendia

Basic Info:

Gender: Female
Age: ?
Birthday: ?
Occupation/Class: Seer
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 54 kg./119 lbs.
Likes: Fortunetelling, curious children, full moon nights, puzzles, seafood paella, collecting seashells, romance/comedy/erotica sitcoms
Dislikes: Her deformity aching, being made fun of, noisy neighbors, vandals, commercials

Equipment Info:

Weapon: Seer's Staff - Staff passed down for generations amongst the Seers of the Glyphos Clan.
Armor: Glyphos Seer Robes - Robes worn by the Seers of the Glyphos Clan. It is adorned with tattoo-like symbols.
Accessory: Glyphos Necklace - A golden necklace adorned with dangling pearls, obsidian, and amethyst.

Character Profile:

Celeste Incendia is known in the town of Cianwood as the PokéSeer, a gypsy who entertains customers with simple fortunetelling, tarot reading, and determining the relationship between Trainers and their Pokémon. Many have wondered where she came from, though some locals say she has lived there all her life. Although feared by many because of her blind left eye and the deformity on the left side of her face, she is generally kind towards those who approach her, though rather distant. Little do they know that she is actually the Seer of the Glyphos Clan, renowned for her psychic abilities, including the ability to see into the future. She also has the uncanny ability to read into a person's soul, determining how their life was in the past.

Backstory - One-Third

The Glyphos Clan is a nomadic clan of psychics who have traveled the land for centuries. They have wandered around and settled in throughout different cultures, studying them and mingling with them. In return, they left behind artifacts that depicted their relationship with these cultures, how they shared their knowledge of telekinesis and the manipulation of psychic energy, in cavern walls, stone tablet carvings, and others. For thousands of years they continued to wander the land, leaving behind traces of their civilization in places like the Ruins of Alph and the Solaceon Ruins, until one day, they suddenly disappeared from the Pokémon World without a trace. It is said that they hid underground, seeking refuge from a disaster said to have been foreseen by their Seer, the head of the Glyphos Clan.

Since then, the Glyphos Clan has faded into nothing more than the stuff of history, remembered only through their artifacts and ruins dug up by archaeologists and historians, as well as stories passed down in traditional villages such as Eterna or Celestic. However, it is said that the current Seer of the Glyphos has been rumored to have taken residence in the sleepy town of Cianwood, to remain as the medium between the Glyphos and the rest of the Pokémon World. And apparently fate has much in store for her in the future, one that involves the intertwined fates of the quiet Victoria Hearthwell and the devious Viresco Lancaster…

Pokémon Team: One-Third

Although it is never determined how long she has had them, Celeste's Pokémon are only her Ninetales and Haunter, both who have remained fiercely loyal to her for years. Both are given Spanish names beginning with E.

Edgardo | Haunter (Lv. 78)
Elena | Ninetales (Lv. 78)

This was once a request from my Spiral Knights guildmate who said she wanted to see a mysterious woman in Unown-inspired clothing. I came up with this character, and at the same time, a plot idea for One-Third came to mind, and I decided to make her as one of the major supporting characters in the story.

Celeste Incendia literally means celestial fire in Spanish.

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