Sunday, November 29, 2015

Natto: Ferrothorn

Tori's Ferrothorn, Natto.


Level: 64 (B2/W2), 71 (OT)
Species: Ferrothorn
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Iron Barbs
Hold Item: Metal Coat
OT: Victoria Hearthwell
Known Moves: Gyro Ball, Power Whip, Pin Missile, Iron Defense

Natto is one of two Pokémon whom Tori had captured in the Chargestone Cave, and also one of the Pokémon N had released in the cave two years prior. Since then, this Ferroseed had been wandering around aimlessly, holding out hope that one day its Trainer would ever return for him in spite of what he was once told. Later on, when Tori was accompanying Bianca through the cave in her search for a Tynamo, he recognized Tori as the same person who challenged N and his ideals, and attacked them in a fury. However, their fight resulted in a rock slide that separated them from Bianca, and Tori had no choice but to find another way out to reunite with her friend. Unfortunately, Natto followed them, still intent on seeking vengeance on Tori for making N abandon him, but when he became attacked by a wild Boldore in his weakened state, Tori rescued him and treated his injuries.

While initially distrustful of Tori's intentions in their journey to find Bianca, seeing her relationship with her Pokémon eventually led him to feel that she had been purely concerned about his well-being, and he started to see the similarities she shared with N. Later, they reunited with Bianca, finding the Tynamo she was looking for, which Tori subsequently captured with the help of Natto. Following the battle, Natto decided to follow Tori on her journey, believing that by joining her he would be reunited with his master N.

Eventually Tori did find N when they encountered him in their battle against Ghetsis and Kyurem, but following that, Natto had decided to remain by Tori's side, realizing that he had grown a deep fondness for Tori in the time they had been together.

Although a naturally slow Pokémon due to his weight, Natto makes up for his lack of speed with overwhelming power and unbreachable defenses, shown in his moves Gyro Ball and Iron Defense respectively. Because of these, he has proven to be a massive and worthy powerhouse in Tori's team countless times.


"God! I don't believe it--OW!" Gunther cringed in pain as he wound up bumping his already bruised head against the wall behind him. Clutching his head, he rubbed it gently, muttering curse words underneath his breath.

Standing in front of him was Graham, who handed him a bag of cold compress. "I told you to be careful…"

"Yeah, yeah, I know," He grumbled as he grabbed the item from his friend. He carefully placed it on his head. "Just so pissed is all…"

Graham sighed. "Is this still about that Trainer?"

"Well, duh! What else would I be pissed about!?" He clenched his fists. "Calling me, Gunther, cocky! Who the hell does she think she is…!?"

Graham recalled the exchange post-match earlier. "The Trainer who kicked your arrogant ass?"

"Shut up! You don't have to repeat what she said!"

"You realize she does have a point, you know. I've told you over and over again that your attitude will eventually be your own downfall."

"Sh-She got lucky! I had my guard down for a second!"

"Exactly. You were distracted, and she took the advantage."

"She didn't even give me a chance, dammit! I was talking!"

"Time and place for everything, Gunther. Her first strike was timely; your ranting however…" He shook his head. "Was not."

"Goddamn…" Gunther's hands reached up to crumple his face in annoyance. The thought of the crowd, of familiar faces watching his defeat… And to a stranger no less. He, the alleged most powerful Trainer in Opelucid. "And it was so humiliating too! God damn it all!"

There was no making the boy listen, Graham knew, and decided to give up trying to lecture his friend. "At least now you know you should be careful from now on."

Gunther's eyes fell on the Pokémon healing machine on the other end of the room. "Is Bouffalant okay?"

"It should be," Graham replied. He walked over to the machine that held Gunther's pokéball. The screen read that Bouffalant reached full health. "Mhm, it's still bruised from the blow it took, but it can still fight. However," He turned back to Gunther. "You should be more concerned about yourself."

"I'll be fine. I'm just worried if my Pokémon is okay, that's all."

"If you say so."

Steps were heard ascending, soon revealing itself to be caused by one of the regulars at the Trainer House. "Sirs…?"

"Ah, yes?" Graham approached the girl who stopped at the second to the last step. "How may I help you?"

"I was just about to bid you both a good evening; I will be heading home now." She bowed politely. "It's rather late."

"Oh, I see." The pale-haired Trainer glanced up at the clock. It read a quarter before nine in the evening. "I hadn't realized time flew so quickly."

"Well, yes." With another bow, she half-turned and waved at the two boys. "I'll see you both," She told them before continuing back down the stairs.

"Yeah, see you," Gunther called out from the bed he sat on.

Graham faced his friend again, approaching him. "I should be going myself, Gunther. I need to get back to my sister. She's alone at home tonight, and our parents are away still."

"Haven't returned from Lacunosa yet?"

"No, not yet. Anyway, will you be staying here for the night? I'll lock the door for you in that case."

Gunther waved his hands in front of him, as if to say otherwise. "Nah, I'll walk home. I'm not pretty comfortable sleeping around here by myself, you know?"

"But you have your Pokémon."

"Well, yeah, but what I mean is I'm not really comfortable sleeping in a place like this."

"How come? It's not like anything happens here at night, is there?"

"Erm…" He fidgeted in discomfort. "That's the thing…"

A few moments longer, and Graham understood. The quieter of the two chuckled lowly. "Now, come on. I'm pretty sure all those stories about some houses here being haunted are just that--stories."

"Y-Yeah, but I don't wanna take any chances."
Graham watched him stand. "Are you sure you'll be alright though on your way home? Will you need me to accompany you back, or…"

"No, no. It's totally cool." Gunther beamed him a grin. "Just a few bruises, is all!" Standing up, he walked to where Bouffalant's pokéball rested. "I'll be fine."

"Well…" Graham was concerned and unsure about his safety, but he knew his friend. Once he decided, there was no dissuading. "Alright."


"Safe trip home, then."

"Night, Graham."

The two parted with the door to the Trainer House locked. Graham lived west Opelucid while Gunther lived south. As kids they used to accompany each other home, but as they grew older, so did their sense of independence… Or Gunther's anyway. Their old childhood rituals became faded photographs eventually were shelved away in the attics of their thoughts.

Gunther reached into one of the old boxes stored away, unraveling the collection of photos tucked inside the pages of the dusty photo book inside his thoughts. Orange sunsets painted the skies on their way to Gunther's home from school. Graham's Venipede faced off against his Karrablast in friendly one-on-one matches, to the point both evolved into their final forms of Scolipede and Escavalier respectively. Their curious young minds led them to the wilderness of Routes 9 and 10 on a regular basis, where both got lost but eventually found their way home. Their little adventures led to Graham finding his Vullaby and Gunther finding his--due to some perhaps unfortunate act?--Garbodor. Trips home had them both holding snacks in their hands, which they both shared with their Pokémon, who happily accepted them without hesitation…

His orange eyes lowered slightly towards the pavement. As they glazed over the cobblestone, he slowly began to realize how much things have changed over the years. 

What happened?

He shoved his hands in his pockets, shivering in the cool breeze of the autumn evening. Perhaps they had just grown older; some things weren't meant to last. What was meant to be in their childhoods perhaps only belonged there.
He found himself chuckling, shaking his head. Now wasn't the time for this… He needed to get home.

"Well, well. Alone, are we?"

"What the?" He spun around at the voice. Behind him, walking into the light of the streetlamp were two men in chain mails, bearing the familiar insignia proudly worn by members of a familiar organization terrorizing Unova once again after two years…

"This'll be easy, eh? Heh."

"Indeed… Hope he doesn't struggle. I don't want this getting ugly."

"Team Plasma!" He instantly made a defensive stance. "What do you bozos want!?"

"The liberation of Pokémon," One of them stated, stepping forward and putting out his hand. "Either we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, boy. We don't wanna hurt you and especially not your Pokémon, so be a good kid and let us have them…"

"Are you idiots out of your mind!?" He yelled. His convictions were clear; there was in no way he was about to release the Pokémon whom he had spent nearly his entire life with. "I'm not letting go of any of my Pokémon! You guys can just piss off! And get the hell out of Opelucid, you fags!"

"What the hell did you just say!?"

"Tch, how dare you mock Team Plasma… And deny Pokémon from their freedom by continuing to oppress them in your possessions!" The older man growled, pulling out a Pokéball from his belt. "I warned you about this, and now you leave us no choice!"

"Should've just done what the man said, kid!" The other of the two grunts pulled out another pokéball. "You're gonna get it now…"
Both men threw their pokéballs forward, releasing a Watchog and a Krokorok. Reaching to his belt he pulled out Bouffalant's pokéball and one for his Escavalier, but he froze in dread when he couldn't feel another pokéball in his arsenal.

He quickly fumbled his hands throughout his waist, panicking as he searched for any other Pokémon he had with him. God… I don't have any other Pokémon with me…!?

One of the grunts smirked. "What's the matter kid? You look pretty fussed! You don't got other Pokémon with you?" He laughed in an irritably cocky way that ticked Gunther off.

Gunther gritted his teeth, remembering what happened the previous morning. He'd been overconfident, thinking that the need to bring more than one Pokémon with him was unnecessary. And now, all he had was Bouffalant; he doubted it could handle two Pokémon after the fight with Zip earlier, even though it had healed. Damn… He also knew these grunts would do anything to win. What am I gonna do now… 

Grabbing Bouffalant's pokéball, he watched as the moonlight reflect against the glassy red surface, revealing the buffalo Pokémon looking up at him. It stomped its legs against the glass, throwing its head around as it roared. It wanted to fight despite its injuries. Bouffalant…

Closing his eyes, he opened them again, this time with fierce determination. "Okay…" He stood his ground, showing his pokéball to them, not to surrender, but to fight. "I've only got my Bouffalant, but we're gonna win this! Two against one? No problem! We'll take you both on, and we're gonna win! You hear me!?"

"Damn, arrogant little brat…! Get 'im, Krokorok!"

The sand croc rushed forward, fangs ready for the kill. Gunther's eyes squinted, and he prepared to throw the ball forward to intercept the enemy's attack. "Come on, Bouffalant--"

From out of nowhere, what appeared to be a large, green, blunt object slammed onto the side of Krokorok's face. The force was enough to send it spinning, hurling across the street, and crashing right into its Trainer. Both toppled backwards onto the ground, much to the surprise of the three Trainers and three Pokémon.

"What in the world!?"

Gunther watched as the fallen man and his Pokémon remained on the floor, the former groaning in pain. "The hell…"

"Haven't learned your lessons have you?" A familiar voice spoke from behind. The other grunt standing looked past Gunther, prompting the young man to turn around. In the darkness, faintly visible in the moonlight, stood a female Trainer with her hair in a ponytail, blown by a gentle zephyr that stirred the surrounding fallen leaves alive. Moonlight reflected against the metallic sheen of her Pokémon's thorn-studded steel body, revealing the three barbed tentacles aloft above its head, and causing it's Trainer's deep cyan eyes to gleam in the dark along with its yellow and black ones.

Gunther took five seconds to recognize the individual. "Wait… Zip?"

"You! Just what do you think you're doing!?"

No response came from the girl, but instead, she brought her hand forward. As though on cue, the thorn pod Pokémon rushed towards him like a spinning frisbee. Gunther's eyes widened instantly; she had just sent her Pokémon forward to attack him.

"What the hell!" Impulsively he brought up his arms in defense. "Why are you--!?"

Yet nothing came in contact with his body as the Pokémon breezed past him. Instead it went skidding against the Watchog's body, who was caught completely off-guard by the attack. The spinning Pokémon continued forward until the lookout Pokémon slammed into the other Team Plasma grunt, sending them both crashing on the man's accomplice and his Krokorok.

An audible gulp came from Gunther as he swallowed his saliva, trying to make sense of what just transpired before him. The two grunts and their Pokémon, defeated instantly and knocked out-cold, by…

"You trust your Pokémon, which is good," Came Tori's voice from behind as she approached him. "Yet there's a reason why Trainer's carry more than one Pokémon around, which I'm sure you are aware of."

Gunther found himself lowering his head, frustrated. Not only did this Trainer defeat him, but she also saved him, even criticizing his recklessness. God, what would someone else have said if they realized some stranger--and a girl at that--had saved his ass. 

"D-Damnit… I can't believe… Damnit…"

"I know how you feel." She shrugged. "It's happened to me before, and I didn't like it, but it happens," She said, giving a short, firm grip on his shoulder. "In spite of this, there's one thing I want you to understand after today." He looked up at her, a bit reluctantly, meeting her eyes. "You want to know what's the difference between ordinary people like us and Team Plasma?"

"They're a bunch of nut jobs?"

Tori chuckled. "Besides that…" She glanced past him slightly to look at her Pokémon, who hovered closer to them. "Unlike Team Plasma, people like us, we have the capability to learn and grow from our mistakes, those we make towards others and even towards Pokémon. We have the capacity to forgive and move on, to become individuals who learn to mature and to become better, and to eventually take a step forward into peaceful coexistence with Pokémon…" She began to walk away with her Pokémon, returning to the darkness from where they came. "Something Team Plasma will never be able to understand nor ever hope to possibly achieve given their faulty vision, an excuse to separate people from Pokémon from living together in unison."

Gunther was speechless at her words. Instantly he recalled what Graham told him. The Trainer who faced off Team Plasma without batting an eyelid…

"H…" Something about it didn't feel right, letting her leave just like that. But at the same time, for some reason, he also felt there was no way to stop her as she began to leave. "H-Hey! Wait a minute!"

Her feet stopped in their tracks as well as her spiky-bodied Pokémon, who hovered protectively behind her. "I suggest you concern yourself more with turning in those grunts to the Opelucid authorities," She told him, slightly turning her head to look over her shoulder. "The lesser there are of these people around, the better off your city will be."

"Eh?" He turned to pair of Team Plasma grunts and their Pokémon, still unconscious from the powerful blows dealt by her Ferrothorn. She had a point; best to tend to them while they haven't had a chance to run away.

Still, though, "Yeah, there's them but--huh?"

Although it was dark around him, Gunther could saw that the girl had disappeared, as well as her Pokémon. He blinked, completely astonished at how the woman had vanished in an instant. He had only taken his eyes from her for a moment. 

Yet only a moment had been enough as he stood there alone in the night, with the leaves falling to return motionless on the cobblestone when the wind faded to a stop.


The next day…

"Holy… Wow, Gunther, I don't believe it." Graham read over the newspaper headlines. He was completely speechless over what he was reading. "Trainer House's Gunther turns in Team Plasma grunts… Opelucid streets safer at night." He looked up from the newspaper. "I left you alone to walk home, still recovering from your bruises, and you end up on the headlines beating up Team Plasma on your own. Unbelievable."

"H-Heh, yeah!" What Gunther failed to tell his friend, as well as anyone else, was that the only reason he managed to get away with it was through Zip's help. "I'm not the most powerful Trainer in Opelucid for nothing!"

"I must say, I clearly underestimated you… Or I didn't trust you well enough, but I'm glad you managed to defeat them nonetheless." He stood up from his seat. "How about in commemoration of your achievement, we go out to lunch with my sister? You deserve it after all."

"Wh-Whoa!" Orange eyes sparkled wide with excitement. "Are you serious, Graham!? You treating me for lunch? At the Druddigon Diner??"

He was met with a warm smile from his childhood friend. "The one and only. I know how much you love their burgers there."

"Alright!" He fist-pumped the air. "Thanks, man! You're the best!"

"Big Bro!" A young voice came from the other room. A girl of about eleven came running inside the kitchen in a frilly light yellow sundress. "You're taking me out for ice cream, Big Bro? Like you said?" She asked with a beaming, youthful grin.

"Of course, Jessa. But first we'll be eating at the diner alright?"

Jessa pouted and crossed her arms. "Big Bro! Ice cream first! I want ice cream first!"

"Erm, Jessa…"

"No! Ice cream! Ice creaaaam! You said!"

The two older boys sweatdropped. They couldn't really argue with Graham's sister throwing a fit. "Alright, alright, we'll get you ice cream first, okay?" Graham said in an attempt to calm her down. "Just be a good girl."

"You promise?"

"Yes, I promise."

"Okay…" Her face brightened up. "Are we going now?"

Gunther was already at the doorway to the main room, and Graham nodded. "Yes."

"Yay!" She took her brother's hand and urged him out of the house. "Let's go, let's go!"

It didn't take very long from the house to the ice cream stall just a block down from Graham's house. As soon as they stopped at the stall, Jessa was already pointing at the strawberry-flavored treat, and the glacièr was more than happy to oblige with his customer's demands.

Graham reached for his wallet inside his back pocket. "How much is it?"

"Thirty, sir."

"Alright, let me just…" He fumbled for spare change in his wallet. All he had were large bills. "Damn…"

Gunther noticed his friend's annoyed expression. "What is it?"

"I'm short… Do you have a spare ten on you?"

"Can't you just use a large bill?"

"I don't like having a lot of spare change."

"Fine, fine." Gunther began searching into his own pockets. "I'm not sure if I have any… I didn't bring my wallet--OW!"

A sharp, small sting of pain came from the back of his neck, and Gunther grabbed for his neck impulsively. Fuming, he turned around furiously, ready to beat the crap of whoever the hell threw… Whatever it was they threw at him. There was no one in sight along the streets, and speaking of what hit him, he could feel the small, round and somewhat cool object caught up inside the palm of his hand. Pulling it in front of him, he saw it was a flat ten-dollar coin that gleamed in the sunlight.

He raised his eyebrow in curiosity, wondering where this object came from, and how come it happened to be exactly what he needed. Looking ahead at the dense shrubbery of trees, he felt someone hiding in the leaves, watching and eavesdropping on them. After all, why else would a ten-dollar coin hit him on the nape coincidentally the same time as Graham needed one… 

After another moment of thought, Gunther let out a low growl. Then again there might just happened to be a little brat up to mischief running about, throwing things at people secretly.


The young man straightened up at the sound of his name. Turning around, he came face to face with Graham. His friend gave him a pensive look. "What's the matter? Are you alright?"

"Oh." Gunther's face relaxed. He thought of expressing his annoyance, but then decided against it. "It's nothing, just a little ache. It's gone now." He showed his friend the coin thrown to him. "Here."

The transaction was soon settled, and the three were on their way. With a satisfied Jessa who was enjoying her recently acquired ice cream, Graham smiled happily at his now content sister. The siblings shared another conversation, one about strawberries, food, and dragon-type-themed diners and their burgers; yet behind them, Gunther had paused in his tracks, eyes downcast on the pavement and his mind adrift in the memories of the previous evening, of a woman who saved his life and whose efforts he was taking credit for.

Somehow he had a feeling he did the same thing again just now.

Looking back at the trees, he let his mind wander, his suspicions heightening. The same woman who brought him utter defeat in the Trainer House, saved him and his Pokémon from Team Plasma, and spoke to him of humans being capable to live in peace alongside Pokémon--

Could it really be…?

"Gunther!" He heard Graham call again from a distance, taking him away from his thoughts. The two siblings had already gone far ahead of him, while he was still there, distracted.

There was that word again… Distracted.

Gunther smirked.

"Come on, Gunther!"

"Alright, alright! I'm coming!"

He really needed to stop doing that.


"Did you really have to do that?" Tori heard the Ferrothorn ask as she reached out for a bag of snacks in her fanny pack. It was a conversation only the two of them shared, an exchange no one--maybe, save for N, wherever the bloody hell that man is now--would understand. "You could have just come up to them like a normal person…"

"Well, I would have been normal, yes." She handed the spiky Pokémon some of her food. "But I've been meaning to inflict some form of physical aggression towards him since yesterday." The sight of arrogant Trainers irked her deeply. "And since I am least likely to meet him again, this was my only valid opportunity."

He sweatdropped, watching the girl chuckle with a hint of sadism in her voice. Seeing his expression, she reach out a hand to rub a flat area on his spiked body. "Come on. Give me a little break, hm? It's not often I get to be a kid anymore, after all."

Compared to the assumptions people have of her now as a mysterious, cool-headed Trainer who was a completely different person, Tori still retained her childishness--though a little bit mischievous. Her positively steadfast personality remained too; he recalled the words she shared with the cocky boy last night. Though she had been seemingly imposing, her words were true to heart as she believed in what people were capable of. Qualities barely ever seen in person now, only heard about from the lingering rumors with her past self allegedly gone from the world. The decision to portray her image this way was necessary, to avoid detection and suspicion.

Given the present time, he and her other current Pokémon considered themselves lucky. "Alright."

"Good." She took out another chunk of her snack. "Now as a reward for being so kind and understanding, you can have some more treats."


Natto's name is taken from natto (納豆), a sticky dish of fermented soybeans in Japan. On its own, it does not taste like anything, so it is often eaten with rice, miso soup, nori, pickles and an egg meant to be mixed in the rice. It is treated as a breakfast dish in Japanese households.

Natto is also part of Ferrothorn's Japanese name, Nattorei (ナットレイ). While the Natto in the Japanese name means nut and Ferrothorn is meant to look like more of a durian than anything, I related the feelers of the Pokémon as similar to the natto's sticky weblike material. What's more, these feelers are meant to keep Ferrothorn stuck to the ceiling or to help it stay grounded on the floor, retaining that sticking quality present in natto.

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