Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Basic Info:

Gender: Male
Age: ?
Birthday: ?
Occupation/Class: Guardian Entity/Monk-Gun Mage, Pokémon Trainer
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 78 kg./172 lbs.
Theme Song: -Pending-

Equipment Info:

Weapon: Other Halves - A pair of dual pistols whose powers are magically enhanced by elemental bullets called E-Shells (Elemental Shells) and MS-Shells (Monster-Specific Shells).
Armor: Streamlined Suit - A blue and white outfit made for a certain guardian entity to fit in the modern world.
Shield: Full Circle - A spherical barrier that surrounds the user when in danger. It has magical properties that repel both physical and magical damage.
Accessory: Cotton Scarf - A well-knit, pale blue cotton scarf.

Items Info:

e-Pendant - An e-shaped pendant that glistens a golden glow against light.
Bolt Buckle - A removable buckle with sharp edges that serves as a makeshift boomerang.
Shells Canister - A storage container with several compartments to charge both E-Shell and MS-Shell Magazines. Each container represents a specific element or monster type.

Character Profile:

Not much is known of the mysterious entity Eldritch, who is allegedly the representation of all the Creator's good will. However, he often appears as a sort of guardian towards the three beings that represent fragments of the Creator as a whole—Zephyr, Victoria Hearthwell, and Kite Aurelius. He is constantly on the trail of the entity Aldritch, said to represent the Creator's negative aspects, and he seeks her eradication if it means keeping the Creator and the Persona Trio from harm's way.

Backstory - Dissidia Final Fantasy

Eldritch first appears to Zephyr when she arrives in the realm of Dissidia and ends up being attacked by a manikin hell-bent on killing her. He saves her from harm, before taking her to a training ground somewhere in the vast realms of the Rift, and it is here where he spends at least five whole months training Zephyr physically and mentally for the challenge that lay ahead of her as one of the members of Cosmos' warriors. Although Zephyr was difficult at first, she eventually became capable of fending for herself, and when they finally finish, he gives her the Sword Shifter, a sword artificially designed to change elements according to the user's will. He has since kept a watchful eye over her on her journey, and only steps in to save her when it is absolutely necessary, such as times when she encounters a certain murderous manikin out for her life…

Backstory - Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy

A year after Zephyr returned to her world following her victory over Chaos, Eldritch meets her again upon her arrival in World B, twenty cycles later. This time Eldritch accompanies her on her journey, no longer on the sidelines as a spectator, along with the Warrior of Light and Firion, who were mysteriously brought to the realm with her. Together the four of them travel to the Chasm of the Rotting Land, where they meet the mured moogle, who joins them in their journey to find a way out of the desolate realm. Along their journey they uncover secrets pertaining to the nature of the cycles, the entity Shinryu, and the mured moogle's true identity.

Backstory - Pokémon Black/White

Eldritch appears in Unova as a Pokémon Trainer, his watchful eyes this time on the Trainer Victoria Hearthwell. Tori first encounters him at the Dreamyard, challenging her to a battle with his Oshawott, where she ends up winning with her Snivy. Since then he frequently appears to her on her journey, often when Tori finds herself in dangerous situations. He seems to be closely related to the light that brought Tori to Unova, and even knows of the nightmares that haunt her at night…

Backstory - Pokémon Black 2/White 2

It is thanks to Eldritch that Tori is saved from her deadly battle against the demon Aldritch, who was responsible for bringing Tori to the Pokémon World as a child. Through him, Tori recalls all of her forgotten travels even after her return home. He appears again to Tori two years later, warning her of Aldritch's evil resurfacing once more along with Team Plasma, and that she must return to Unova to stop them. Although Tori is initially hesitant to return, Eldritch suggests that she cast a new persona and a pseudonym for herself so that Team Plasma wouldn't hunt down her loved ones and use them against her. Tori agrees to do so, and like before, he keeps an eye on her on her journey, stepping in to save her only when necessary.

Abilities - Skill Sets

Eldritch's move sets are a combination of melee, magic, and gun-slinging. Most of the time however, he often only fights with his melee and his magic, taking out his dual pistols--powered by E-Shells--only when necessary. Eldritch utilizes the Cerulean Force, a more refined version of Zephyr's Sanguine Force thanks mostly to his calm and cool-headed nature, which allows him to deliver powerful melee attacks with graceful precision.

Combined with his agile build, quick reflexes, and sharp focus, Eldritch is more than just a hybrid of a capable mage and fighter, and is a deadly foe with strength to match his opposite: the demonic entity, Aldritch.

1. Cerulean Force - A radiating burst of controlled, blue energy created through the channeling of ki to various parts of the body for the user to be able to use timed, powerful melee attacks. It raises strength, stamina, and fighting enthusiasm.

>Punchout - Deliver a series of fast punches to the enemy. Medium chance of stun effect. Ki is channeled to the fists.
>Kickdance - Deal a flurry of timed kicks to the opponent. Medium chance of stun effect.a Ki is channeled to the legs.
>Take Off - Begin with a spinning, low sweep before sending the enemy into the air with a sharp, rising kick. Ki is channeled to the legs.
>Air Render - The user gathers ki into their palm and releases it as blades of concentrated air that slice the opponent.
>Blue Backdraft - A much stronger variant of the original Backdraft; the user grabs the opponent and is enveloped in a bright, blue flame throughout his body. He then gathers the energy in his fist and slams it into the opponent. The blue flame is a result of the user's effective control over his ki. Causes minor damage to the user.
>Calm Mind* - The user channels his ki into his mind, heightening his senses, and increasing his attack and accuracy.
>Shock Wave - The user channels ki into his hand before sweeping it forward, sending a wave of energy towards the opponent.

2. Dual Trigger - Subdue your mark with a flurry of rapid fire, ending with a magically enhanced bullet to its forehead.

>E-Reload - Change the current E-Shell Magazines of the Other Halves.
>Reverse E-Reloadº - The order of changing the Other Halves' E-Shell Magazines is reversed.
>Revolver Combo -  Fire a series of shots into the opponent.
>Hail of Bullets - The user goes mid-air and rains bullets down his opponent.
>E-Shots - Fire magically enhanced bullets into the opponent. Damage and effects vary with E-Shell Magazines equipped.
>Fiend Hunter* - Fire an MS-Shell specifically meant to fell a particular type of monster. Damage varies with MS-Shell Magazines equipped.
>Wily Bullet - Fire a pair of stun bullets that leave the opponent staggering, before reappearing behind it and firing explosive shots that send it flying.
>Shell Smash - Fire a bullet that effectively breaks through the opponent's defenses and erected barriers. Dispel effect when successful.

—E-Shots: Shells—

>Flame Shell - Deals fire elemental damage. Medium chance of slow effect.
>Ice Shell - Deals ice elemental damage. Medium chance of stop effect.
>Bolt Shell - Deals lightning elemental damage. Medium chance of paralysis effect.
>Aqua Shell - Deals water elemental damage. Medium chance of silence effect.
>Scourge Shell - Deals poison damage. High chance of poison effect.
>White Shell - Deals holy elemental damage. Low chance of petrify effect.
>Black Shell - Deals dark elemental damage. Low chance of instant death.

—MS-Shots: Shells—

>Beast Feller - For beasts, humanoids, and wildlings.
>Silver Bullet - For lupines.
>Cold-Blooded Killer - For reptiles, dragons, and drakes.
>Smackdown - For birds and other aerial enemies.
>Elementillery - For elementals.
>Insecticide - For bugs and insects.
>Flan Eater - For flans.
>Dismantler - For machines and mech-type enemies.
>Tainter - For spirits and holy-elemental enemies.
>Demonic Seal - For undead and demonic enemies.

3. White Magic - Cast a variety of healing and supportive magic.

>Curaga* - Restores a large amount of HP.
>Hastega* - Raises speed of all party members for a set period of time.
>Aeroga - Trap the target in a tempestuous tornado.
>Arise* - Restores a KO'd target to full health.
>Esuna* - Heals status ailments.
>Reflect* - Sets up a magical barrier that reflects magical attacks.
>Dispel* - Removes any barriers or buffs from the target.

—White Magic Activated via Full Circle—

>Wall - Sets up a protective barrier that has the effects of both Shell and Protect.
>NulAll - Sets up a protective barrier that protects the user from all elements.

4. Black Magic - Cast a variety of offensive and debilitating magic.

>Thundaga - Send an explosive burst of lightning towards the opponent.
>Waterga - Trap the opponent in a huge ball of cold water.
>Blizzaga - Encase the target in an enormous cask of ice before shattering it into pieces.
>Drain - Siphon an enemy's HP.
>Osmose* - Siphon an enemy's MP.
>Flare - Deal non-elemental damage to the opponent with an explosive burst of raw energy.
>Ultima - A blue sphere of concentrated energy consumes the opponent before bursting in a huge explosion, dealing massive, non-elemental damage.
>Saber* - Raise target's attack and accuracy for a set period of time.

*Not part of the Ability Lists for Dissidia.
ºBasically the same as Reload, but appears as an Extra Ability in the Ability List. Think of it as something like Reverse Paradigm.

=Ability Lists - Dissidia=

(He's an OC too, but I'm free to dream >:D)

Offensive Abilities:

1. Bravery Attacks - Ground - Mostly focused on physical attacks and close-range moves from Cerulean Force and Dual Trigger.
>Revolver Combo - [Close] Fire a series of shots into the opponent.
>E-Shots - [Long] Fire magically enhanced bullets into the opponent. Damage and effects vary with E-Shell Magazines equipped.
>Punchout - [Close] Deliver a flurry of powerful jabs. Medium chance of stun effect.
>Kickdance - [Close] Deliver a flurry of roundhouse kicks. Rare chance of stun.
>Drain - [Mid] Siphon an enemy's HP.

2. Bravery Attacks - Air - Features aerial versions of the Revolver Combo and E-Shots, but features more magical attacks.
>Revolver Combo - [Close] Fire a series of shots into the opponent.
>E-Shots - [Long] Fire magically enhanced bullets into the opponent. Damage and effects vary with E-Shell Magazines equipped.
>Drain - [Mid] Siphon an enemy's HP.
>Waterga - [Long] Trap the opponent in a huge ball of cold water.
>Aeroga - [Long] Trap the target in a tempestuous tornado.

3. HP Attacks - Ground - Consists of powerful, defense-breaching attacks.
>Shock Wave - [Long] The user channels ki into his hand before sweeping it forward, sending a wave of energy towards the opponent.
>Blizzaga - [Mid] Encase the target in an enormous cask of ice before shattering it into pieces.
>Shell Smash - [Mid] Fire a bullet that effectively breaks through the opponent's defenses and erected barriers.
>Ultima - [Long] A blue sphere of concentrated energy consumes the opponent before bursting in a huge explosion, dealing massive, non-elemental damage.

4. HP Attacks - Air - Mostly focused on magic.
>Thundaga - [Mid] Send an explosive burst of lightning towards the opponent.
>Flare - [Close] Deal non-elemental damage to the opponent with an explosive burst of raw energy.
>Hail of Bullets - [Mid] The user rains bullets down his opponent.

5. Bravery to HP Attacks - Ground - The attacks these moves branch out from are close-range attacks.
>Wily Bullet - [Branches from Revolver Combo] Fire a pair of stun bullets that leave the opponent staggering, before reappearing behind it and firing explosive shots that send it flying.
>Blue Backdraft - [Branches from Punchout] The user grabs the opponent and is enveloped in a bright, blue flame throughout his body. He then gathers the energy in his fist and slams it into the opponent. Causes minor damage to the user.
>Take Off - [Branches from Kickdance] Begin with a spinning, low sweep before sending the enemy into the air with a sharp, rising kick.

6. Bravery to HP Attacks - Air - Features only the aerial version of Wily Bullet, and Air Render.
>Wily Bullet - [Branches from Revolver Combo] Fire a pair of stun bullets that leave the opponent staggering, before reappearing behind it and firing explosive shots that send it flying.
>Air Render - [Branches from Aeroga] The user gathers ki into their palm and releases it as blades of concentrated air that slice the opponent.

Exclusive Action Abilities:

1. Wall - Activated via Full Circle. Sets up a protective barrier that has the effects of both Shell and Protect.
2. NulAll - Activated via Full Circle. Sets up a protective barrier that protects the user from all elements.

Exclusive Extra Abilities:

1. E-Reload - Change the current E-Shell Magazines of the Other Halves. Has to be toggled on to use the E-Shots Action Ability.
2. Reverse E-Reload - The order of changing the Other Halves' E-Shell Magazines is reversed.

EX Mode - Ki Burst:

At the peak of his power, the user's ki reaches unfathomable levels, its power overflowing to the point that his entire body is bursting with it. At this point, the user is able to deliver much more powerful spells and attacks, and his pistols are capable of shooting bullets of raw ki without the need for Shells.

1. Eraser - The user concentrates all his ki into his palms before releasing it as a deadly, unblockable wave of powerful energy towards the enemy, razing everything that dares stand in its way.
2. Azure Force - Combined with the user's sheer will and focus, his ki's color takes on a bright, azure hue, showing the great intensity of his power.
3. Ki Shots - Because of the overflowing ki throughout the user's body, he is capable of directly channeling his energy into his pistols and shooting bullets of raw ki. 
4. Regen - The bursting ki allows the user to regain HP.
5. Tailwind - The bursting ki channels all throughout the user's body, greatly sharpening his senses and increasing speed and dexterity; instant Haste effect.

Pokémon Team - Black/White

Eldritch's Pokémon team is fairly well-balanced and more fixed compared to Tori's; he believes that the Pokémon he had chosen are fit for the challenges that lay ahead of them, and can be counted on when called upon. The first pair of his Pokémon's names are derived from Suikoden Tierkreis. The second pair is derived from my recruits in Final Fantasy Tactics. And for the last pair, their names were derived from elements and from the name of a monster in Final Fantasy V.

~Active Team~
Nomno | Munna (Lv. 59)
Emeline | Liligant (Lv. 58)
Denys | Zoroark (Lv.58)
Jura | Archeops (Lv. 58)
Tinder | Volcarona (Lv. 59)

Pokémon Team - Black 2/White 2

Eldritch's Pokémon team remains the same two years later, but are naturally much more powerful.

~Active Team~
Nomno | Munna (Lv. 82)
Emeline | Liligant (Lv. 80)
Denys | Zoroark (Lv. 80)
Jura | Archeops (Lv. 81)
Tinder | Volcarona (Lv. 81)

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