Friday, November 27, 2015

Victoria "Tori" Hearthwell

Basic Info:

Gender: Female
Age: 4-5 (R/B/G/Y), 8 (G/S/C), 12 (R/S/E), 16 (D/P/Pt), 18 (B/W), 20 (B2/W2, OT)
Birthday: March 10
Occupation/Class: Pokémon Trainer/Tactical Trainer
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 55 kg./121 lbs.
Likes: Pokémon, Japanese food and culture, history, her Big Bro, feeling welcomed, writing, autumn, adventure, vanilla soft cream
Dislikes: Loneliness, heartlessness, arrogance, criminal organizations, feeling ostracized, her mother being away, nightmares, losing/endangering her loved ones

Equipment Info (As of OT):

Head: Pink Hair Tie - Keeps that wild mass of brown hair in place, so you can look like just another random brunette with her hair up!
Torso - Inner: White Tank - A tight-fit, plain white tank top.
Torso - Outer: Wholeness Vest - Pink and white hoodie vest that features a circular patch on the left breast area.
Legs: Outdoor Shorts - Sky blue denim shorts made for any adventure. As Youngster Joey from Johto says, "They're comfy and easy to wear!"
Feet: Brown Boots - These boots can handle a little wear and tear, so you can go the extra mile. 
Accessory: Soul Ring - A genuine gold ring with a white sash tied to it. The ring symbolizes completeness, and the white sash: truth.

Items Info (As of OT):

Xtransceiver - A wrist-worn device that allows four-way calls.
Cartologram - A device that shows a holographic map of the current area. The map is constantly updated over time.
Unova Pokédex - An electronic encyclopedia that records the data of Pokémon seen or caught in the Unova region.
Unova Trainer ID - A silver card that serves as an official document stating the owner is a registered Pokémon Trainer from the Unova region. The card is registered to a Trainer named Zip.
Unova Badge Case - A handy case for all the badges collected in the Unova region.
Yellow Waist Pack - A waist-worn travel pack with several compartments for various kinds of items.
Scooter - A foldable manual scooter meant for the sad few who cannot ride bicycles.

Character Profile:

Victoria "Tori" Hearthwell is a quiet and aloof person, coming as a result of her being born an only child to her single mother—who is often away working to pay debts—and her lack of friends in school in her world. Though introverted and solitary, she is actually very friendly to those who approach her; this trait was hidden out of necessity when she returned to Unova a second time, and she exuded a colder and more serious aura to other people.

Exposed to the World of Pokémon at the young age of four, she has since ended up venturing in and out of it, but never of her own accord; as she grows older she is more often called to play the part of a much greater purpose, only to be abruptly sent back to her world when her task is finished. She has a great love for Pokémon and like the mysterious Trainer N, she has the curiously innate ability to speak to her Pokémon and understand what they say, which deepens the bonds she shares with them.

Her exposure to several battles and her amassed knowledge about Pokémon through the years has made her innately skilled in calculating efficient strategies to counter her opponents, making her a highly strategic and powerful Trainer. As such, she is rightfully called the Tactical Trainer among the Persona Trio, the beings who represent the Creator's three prominent aspects.

Backstory - Pokémon Red/Blue/Green/Yellow

Tori first arrives in the Pokémon World during her childhood, when, at the age of four she suddenly leaves her home and is brought to Route 1 of the Kanto region by a mysterious light. She is protected by a wild Pikachu from a flock of Spearow and Fearow, and saved by the young Red and Professor Oak when the former ventures out of Pallet Town. After being taken in under the care of Red's mother, she reveals herself to them, including the fact that she came from a world where Pokémon did not exist, much to the surprise of everyone.

It is suggested by the professor that Red takes her to Viridian City, where someone might possibly help her. Red is initially hesitant, but then he finds a couple who says they know how to help the girl. It is later revealed that they are actually members of Team Rocket, seeking members to recruit to further their evil goals. He rescues Tori from their clutches, deciding to keep her close for the rest of his journey and remain as her protector until such time she returns to her home world safely. This promise eventually leads Tori to address Red affectionately as her Big Bro, a person whom she never had back in her world and would become one of the most prominent figures in her life.

Backstory - Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal

Three years after Tori returns to her world after Red's deadly fight against Mewtwo—which left her in a coma when she was found—she has since lived a normal life, remembering nothing of her journey with Red. That is, until one day she recovers an old diary she had kept which detailed the events of her life in the Pokémon World three years prior. Her desire to find him as she was playing her game of Pokémon Silver summons the same light that sends her to the Pokémon World again, this time in the Johto region. Here, she encounters the rascal of a Trainer, Gold, whom she pleads to let her join him on his journey. Like Red, Gold was initially hesitant, and it wasn't until his training for his match against Falkner—where she showed him how to use the Pokédex efficiently—that he saw that there was more to her than it seemed, and he agreed to let her accompany him on his journey after his first League badge victory.

They encounter Team Rocket throughout Johto much to her surprise, because she recalled Giovanni disbanding it during his last battle against Red. This leaves Tori to constantly wonder if something bad has happened to Red over the last three years, thus explaining his sudden disappearance from the Pokémon World…

Backstory - Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald

Four years pass since Tori returned from her journey with Gold after their final encounter with Red, which ends with her falling off the peak of Mount Silver. She attempts to return to Johto out of desperation by replaying her game, but for some mysterious reason the cartridge had corrupted, leaving her unable to either play or return to the Pokémon World no matter how hard she tried.

At eleven-years old, Tori has a difficult time adjusting to her life's changes: Tori's mother lands a job in Japan, forcing her to fend for herself alone at home (she believes Tori is old enough to take care of herself now), and school becomes even more difficult what with her as the outcast. It is during this depressing time of her life that the mysterious light consumes her again on her twelfth birthday and returns her to the Pokémon World while she plays her copy of Pokémon Sapphire. The light is now accompanied with a voice that promises to grant her her desire for companions, and tells of a great destiny in her future. She is brought outside of Littleroot Town in the Hoenn region, where she saves the hapless Professor Birch using the Treecko she chose. This Treecko eventually becomes her very first Pokémon in her journey after the professor entrusts the Hoenn Pokédex to her.

For the first time in her entire life this is when she actually utilizes her potential as a Pokémon Trainer. This also becomes one of the happiest periods in her lifetime, surrounded by several Pokémon she managed to befriend throughout her journey, making up for the lack of friends she had in her world. And the light's words spoke true when it said that a great destiny awaits the young girl, as she is eventually dragged into Team Magma and Aqua's ambitions of expanding land and sea respectively…

Backstory - Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum

Another four years pass since Tori was abruptly taken away from the Hoenn region after her encounter with Rayquaza at the Sky Pillar. Rayquaza's Hyper Beam is actually what sends her back, much to the horror of herself, her Pokémon, and the Trainer who accompanied her. Her life in her world is bearable now at the very least, but the pain of losing those she held dearest left her traumatized, and she enters a state of self-isolation, shutting herself away from everyone around her and dedicating her time to nothing more than her studies. She avoids anything Pokémon-related at this time, knowing it will be like her failed attempt to return to Johto, and also in an attempt to forget the terrible memory that haunts her thoughts altogether.

It isn't until she is later invited by her mother, to see her in Hokkaido for vacation, that she decides to play Pokémon again. Along the way she is shocked to see unnatural warps in space; she initially dismisses this as hallucination from motion sickness until the light reappears again while she plays her copy of Pokémon Platinum, and brings her to Lake Verity. The light explains that the warps in space were someone's attempt to break into her world and cause havoc there—who is revealed to be Cyrus of Team Galactic—and she needs to put an end to it before it begins.

Despite her initial reluctance to relive the past, she sets off on her journey regardless after receiving her starter and Pokédex from Professor Rowan, who acknowledges her after seeing his Turtwig develop a bond with her. At first she is distant towards her Pokémon, but a minor incident causes her to eventually open up to them, and she becomes much like how she was in Hoenn, though not as much.

Along the course of her journey against Team Galactic she also meets the mysterious temptress Viresco Lancaster, whom she regularly encounters. Soon enough she proves herself to be a dangerous and powerful rival for Tori in the time to come…

Backstory - Pokémon Black/White

Two years after her battle against Giratina in the Distortion World—where the Dark Pulse by Charon's Darkrai sends her back—Tori holds no memory of her life in Sinnoh and loses her all her memories in the Pokémon World entirely. She is, however, frequently plagued by nightmares, often involving how she was torn away from her companions before being sent back to her world. The nightmares eventually leave her insomniac and although they frighten her, she cannot help feeling that the events in her dream are terribly familiar.

With no real person she considers her confidant, Tori feels horribly distressed over her situation. Her grief and her desire for companions again causes the light to reappear once more while playing her copy of Pokémon White. This time she is sent to Unova, and her memories are tampered with; she is made to believe that she was born in Unova, and had childhood friends: Cheren and Bianca. The three set out on a journey together after receiving their Pokédexes and starters from Professor Juniper, and they later encounter Team Plasma and the Trainer N, whose ideals Tori vehemently reject.

Tori also meets the enigmatic Trainer Eldritch, who presents himself on a regular basis as a watchful guardian to Tori. He seems to have some sort of connection to the light that sent Tori to Unova, even knowing of the nightmares that torment her at night prior to her arrival…

Backstory - Pokémon Black 2/White 2

Two years have passed since Tori returned from the Unova region to stop Ghetsis and his evil plans. She has been long believed to have disappeared since the final battle she had against the demonic entity Aldritch, the being who was feeding off of Ghetsis' evil. Aldritch also turned out to be responsible for bringing Tori to the Pokémon World and forcing her to play heroine since she was a young girl, revealed to be the demon's attempt to make Tori powerful enough for her spirit to be consumed, which failed every time.

Unlike the past, Tori retains her memories upon her return home, even recalling her past journeys thanks to Eldritch. She has since remained in her world after her return. Although she feels dreadfully alone again, she accepts her fate and tries to open up to others around her, living her life at least comforted by the thought that she had friends in another realm. Her decision to remain in her world was to also protect these very same friends: Cheren and Bianca, her precious Pokémon, and even the rest of the Pokémon World, which she believed remained in danger from Aldritch's evil and influence so long as she had ventured inside.

However, one day, after she starts playing Pokémon White 2, Eldritch reappears in front of her and says her journey supposedly has yet to end, revealing that Aldritch had resurfaced with Team Plasma and she must stop them. She is initially reluctant to do the task out of fear for her loved ones' safety; Eldritch says that she must take on a new persona and disguise herself if she wishes to protect them, which she does, and travels throughout Unova under the pseudonym, Zip, a distant, somewhat cold individual with a blunt personality. Over time this feigned personality becomes almost second nature to her, but despite this she retains the kindness she shows to her Pokémon and she still cherishes those whom she loves most.

Although people are unaware of her true identity, as time goes on very few become suspicious of who she is. Cheren himself is one of them, and the International Police Detective Looker, who was sent to Unova to investigate Team Plasma's criminal activities and is personally looking up for information related to her disappearance from Sinnoh four years prior.

Backstory - One Third

Following Aldritch’s failed attempt to seize the Creator’s soul in the Real World, she brought Tori and the Creator’s other counterparts—Zephyr and Kite Aurelius—to the Jade Temple where the Creator became imprisoned as a result. Under the guise of Eldritch, Aldritch explained the story behind their existence and after the girls refused to perform the Union—a ritual wherein the girls needed to sacrifice their lives for the sake of their Creator’s freedom—their exchanges almost resulted in a fight.

However, the real Eldritch intervened and Aldritch was defeated after a one-on-one match with Zephyr. It was then explained to the girls that they must find other ways in other worlds to save the Creator if they wish to remain entities separate from her. The three agreed, and since their initial encounter they have been together on their journey.

During her time with Zephyr and Kite, Tori has acted as the group’s financial support and strategist, as well as their unofficial leader, given the fact that she is the most responsible individual out of the three. Although preferring to go alone with her Pokémon instead, especially since she expresses a great dislike for Zephyr’s arrogance and rudeness, she welcomes Kite’s company, even though the younger can be somewhat clumsy and pretentious.

Pokémon Team - Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald

Tori's roster during this time features a plethora of several Pokémon, and her team is always on rotation; however Nanaki and Nanami (named similarly for their closeness and are derived from Final Fantasy VII and Suikoden II respectively) are always in her team.

Her nicknaming had no specific pattern but some are based on elements, and some are named with those of ordinary people, as if to make up for her lack of friends in her world.

Unlike everyone else, Flyer underwent two name changes through his evolutions (from Pincher-Vibro-Flyer).

~Active Team~
Nanaki | Sceptile (Lv. 79)
Nanami | Gardevoir (Lv. 78)
Kei | Armaldo (Lv. 76)
Flyer | Flygon  (Lv. 77)
Rime | Walrein  (Lv. 78)
Flare | Camerupt  (Lv. 76)

~Pokémon at Secret Base~
Tai | Wingull  (Lv. 38)
Cray | Linoone  (Lv. 35)
Rain | Masquerain  (Lv. 42)
Aldo | Aggron  (Lv. 57)
Terry | Hariyama  (Lv. 55)
Cacti | Cacturne  (Lv. 54)
Goki | Exploud  (Lv. 55)
Spring | Grumpig  (Lv. 52)
Zed | Zangoose  (Lv. 52)
Cirrus | Castform  (Lv. 37)
Tropix | Tropius  (Lv. 56)

Pokémon Team - Diamond/Pearl/Platinum

Unlike in Hoenn, Tori was more focused on stopping Team Galactic from breaching her world using the legendary Pokémon, and was still traumatized by the loss of her previous Pokémon around her.This led her to have a more fixed team. Her Pokémon's nicknames were derived from either the Djinns/elements in Golden Sun, characters from Final Fantasy, or characters from Suikoden II.

~Active Team~
Flint | Torterra  (Lv. 84)
Iris | Staraptor  (Lv. 83)
Squall | Luxray  (Lv. 82)
Gale | Garchomp (Lv. 83)
Riou | Gallade  (Lv. 83)
Quartz | Rampardos  (Lv. 82)

~Pokémon in PC~
Sierra | Mismagius  (Lv. 61)
Zell | Floatzel  (Lv. 61)
Ifrit | Magmortar  (Lv. 60)
Shiva | Frosslass  (Lv. 60)

Pokémon Team - Black/White

The nicknames of Tori's Pokémon are this time (with the exception of Éclair/Icicle, Garuda, and Alex) derived from a mix of characters from Suikoden Tierkreis and my recruits in Final Fantasy Tactics. Although she also rotates her party, compared to previous teams her final active team is greatly imbalanced.

Éclair is the name of her Vanilluxe's main head, while Icicle is the second head that appeared when Éclair evolved from Vanillish. Icicle is depicted with a male gender.

~Active Team~
Nemne | Audino  (Lv. 53)
Lloyd | Scrafty  (Lv. 53)
Laurence | Bisharp  (Lv. 53)
Myrto | Druddigon  (Lv. 54)
Garuda | Braviary  (Lv. 53)
Zekrom  (Lv. 50)

~Pokémon in Prof. Juniper's Lab~
Diulf | Stoutland  (Lv. 51)
Servillah | Liepard  (Lv. 48)
Alex | Gigalith  (Lv. 50)
Kurtz | Carracosta  (Lv. 48)
Victini  (Lv. 44)

Pokémon Team - Black 2/White 2

Tori carefully planned out her Pokémon team this time around, and unlike her previous one, this is more balanced. The names of her Pokémon now follow a distinct pattern (except for Argentum and Dedoku), featuring common Japanese food with a bit of a personal twist.

Buuta = pig (with the bu extended; bu = oink in Japanese)
Kamoro = shortened version of kamorosu (roast duck)
Amane = from edamame (soybeans); changed to Amane to make it more feminine
Natto = fermented soybeans; Natto is also part of Ferrothorn's Japanese name, Nattorei
Unagi = eel
Éclair = Although not Japanese per se, éclairs are common and well-loved desserts in Japanese cuisine.

Éclair and Icicle are the same Vanilluxe from earlier. Dedoku is a combination of Mukade (centipede) and Doku (poison).

Over the course of her journey she finds a few of N's Pokémon, but has only occasionally used them.

~Active Team~
Amane | Reuniclus  (Lv. 64)
Unagi | Eelektross  (Lv. 64)

~Pokémon with Rood~
Argentum | Lucario  (Lv. 35)
Dedoku | Scolipede  (Lv. 35)

Pokémon Team - One-Third (As of Chapter 7)

Tori’s Pokémon team has remained the same from Black 2/White 2 when she arrived in the alternate plane, except that her team became stronger.

~Active Team~
Amane | Reuniclus  (Lv. 71)
Unagi | Eelektross  (Lv. 71)


Tori's character profile, finally up-to-date with One-Third.

I chose Evanescence's Imaginary as her theme song because it seems to suit her desire to cope with her loneliness, to vanish into another realm altogether to escape reality because that's the only place where she could find happiness. It also suits her desire to find a sense of belongingness, something she never had a chance to have in her world what with her only family neglecting her, and one she replaces with the comfort of her Pokémon.

Tori's full name, Victoria Hearthwell, means victory (over her opponents) and good hearth/fireplace (a good light/place that brings people/Pokémon together).

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