Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Éclair and Icicle: Vanilluxe

Tori's Vanilluxe, named Éclair and Icicle.


Level: 55 (B/W), 64 (B2/W2), 71 (OT)
Species: Vanilluxe
Gender: ♀(Éclair)/♂(Icicle)
Nature: Hasty (Éclair)/Serious (Icicle)
Ability: Ice Body
Hold Item: NeverMeltIce
OT: Victoria Hearthwell
Known Moves: Blizzard, Ice Beam, Mirror Shot, Acid Armor

Éclair and Icicle have been in Tori's Pokémon roster even before the Trainer returned to Unova a second time to thwart Aldritch's plot to resurrect Team Plasma. Prior to evolution, only Éclair existed as a Vanillish, and Icicle came to life when Éclair evolved into Vanilluxe. However, while Éclair displayed a haughty and brash personality, Icicle was rational-minded and serious. As a result, both frequently argue with one another to the point that it has gotten them and Tori into trouble on occasion, much to her dismay.

Although often at constant odds, if there was one thing both could agree on, it was their love and loyalty towards Tori. Two years after Tori had left, they recognized immediately upon seeing her new appearance on TV, in spite of her being named Zip at the time. Even though Tori's other Unova Pokémon–kept under Prof. Juniper and Bianca's care since her disappearance–brushed them off and said they were delusional, they sought to rejoin Tori and fight by her side despite the risk it posed. 

After a long journey from Nuvema, they were finally reunited with their Trainer, and have remained with her ever since. Sporting powerful ice-type attacks such as Blizzard and Ice Beam, and the ability to avoid fire-type attacks by liquefying their body through Acid Armor, Eclair and Icicle have proven to be effective, final additions to Tori's well-balanced Pokémon team.


Éclairs are long French pastries made of pate-a-choux (choux pastry) dough, and, like cream puffs, are usually filled with flavored mousses and dipped into confectioner's glaze or fondant cream. Said to have been created by Marie Antonin Carême in the culinary period of Le Cuisine Grande (Haute cuisine, a.k.a. high-class French food) in the 19th century, this pastry has since become a common dessert on buffet and banquet tables alike. Éclair literally means lightning flash (or flash) in French, and is also said to be named such because "it is eaten in a flash".

Although not Japanese per se, éclairs are considered as well-loved desserts in Japanese cuisine, somehow matching up to Tori's theme of nicknaming her second Unova team based on common Japanese food.

Icicle's name is merely a reference to the icicle that keeps the Vanilluxe heads intact.


…Might change picture later.

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