Thursday, October 22, 2020

Gator Meets Gatorgrass (Part 1)

That's no weed... And it certainly doesn't look too pleased either.

Lagging behind again 😫 But, turns out I just needed a proper night's sleep to get my creative juices flowing again. I should be good to get back on track again, hopefully... Fingers crossed. 🀞

Anyway, lots of flowers on this one. I wanted to feature more swamp vegetation in my work that isn't just reeds and cattails, so I looked up some quick on Google (I was also getting sick of painting almost nothing but different shades of green all the time). The swamp mallow/swamp hibiscus caught my attention; it's bright and flashy enough to be noticeable in the swamp. It's also a fairly common flower in wetlands, and I imagined a bunch of these things just growing on the side of Crocigator's shack and he just tends to them.

I really enjoy this shift to making more comic strips. Nothing like bringing more of your own characters to life and weaving a story with them.

[2/15/2022] Edit: Change file format to PNG.


🐊 Gator Buddies πŸŠ

Gator Meets Gatorgrass
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

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