Friday, October 9, 2020

The Swamplands

Welcome to the Swamplands, a vast expanse of dense, forested wetlands located somewhere in the southeastern part of North America. Its ecosystem is rich and flourishing with all sorts of wildlife and vegetation. Humans once dwelled in the swamp as well, but most if not all of them eventually decided to move into cities and other urbanized areas, where they had a better quality of living.

As a result, local animals laid claim on a number of abandoned human settlements, converting them into their own dwellings and creating their own communities with them. This can be seen in the towns of Gatorville and Two-River, where run-down white-painted swamp shacks are inhabited by gators, frogs, and others. In some communities like Reedside and Waterfront, beavers and otters came together to build wooden structures with thatched roofs, and are said to have built boat-like structures to trade with each other across the grand Lake Arca.

The Swamplands seem to be shrouded with some air of mystery as well. Stories and rumors tell of a savage beast that dwells in the marshes and devours anything it sees.  Some speak of ghosts haunting any weary travelers by the roadside at night. Of cave monsters in the Blackout Mountains. And on a less spooky note, others say that the waters of Lake Flicker are said to be full of magic and are said to heal all sorts of illnesses... Among others.

Here in the Swamplands, in the small town of Gatorville, two gators, Stubbygator and Crocigator, live their lives contentedly together in relative peace. However, as Stubby's curiosity grows, so does his desire to see more of the world around him. Alongside their neighbor Pudgygator and his snail friend Pointy, they go on all sorts of adventures, meeting new friends, uncovering the secrets of the Swamplands... And making sure they all have enough fish for dinner.


Wow, what a load of work!

This is my first time making a world map on Photoshop. Not gonna lie, I had next to no idea what I was doing, even when I had some references from Google. Had a bit of trouble brainstorming on the names of places, but I'm pretty content with the names I came up for all of them. I was also going for a rather cartoonish look, which I feel like I managed to do, so I'm satisfied.

I'm also very glad to finally have the map of the Swamplands all nailed down. I may add locations in the future, but for now, this is the official map for the swamp where our Gator Buddies live in. I'll also add a more detailed explanation to each location later on. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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